Time: 11 hours
Total Time to Date: 346 hours
Rework: 0 hours
Total Rework to Date: 79 hours (not part of time above)
Current Weight: To be weighed, but at least 700 pounds
Given I don't have a brake and most shops can't bend a 12' piece, So I had to come up with a way to bend the roof skin myself. The material is called Galvalume. If you don't know, Galvalume is a coating consisting of zinc, aluminum, and silicon that is used to protect a metal (primarily steel) from oxidation. It is similar to galvanizing in that it is a sacrificial metal coating which protects the base metal. The material is about 1/16" thick.
The material is fairly soft, at least compared to my 16 gauge steel. So the plan became to use a 2' piece of 1.5" tube and a hammer to slowly bend the material over the side skin.
It probably took four passes to get it down all the way.
You can see where the ends of the 1.5" tube was but it wasn't too much. Also, given it will be covered with 1", 16 gauge angle it doesn't really matter.
This is the trim for the back edges of the camper.
Testing raising and lowering the roof. I am able to raise and lower the roof much better now but it isn't as easy as it should be. The process is to slowly raise the rear and lock the hinges. Then I lay on my bed and push the front of the roof up while also using my foot to push the roof towards the rear of the camper. Lowering the roof is the opposite.
After raising the rear I wanted to see how the roof shifted. Here you can see it didn't shift too much. What I discovered, is when I being to raise the front, the gas struts for the front begin expanding and pushes the roof forward horizontally. It isn't the weight of the roof that makes it slide forward.
With the new process I was able to raise and lower the roof several times without any banging, hinges bending, etc. However, it isn't easy so I still need to find a way to make it easier. I also talked to the vendor of the gas struts and they are having their designers look into the problem for me. I am hoping they will have a solution for me. They have had all the info for three days now so I am hoping to hear from them this week.
This is the angle for the roof and at the top is also trim for the cabover, which can be seen better in the next picture. It is upside down.
Continued below.