New member
Love this idea is there any chance you could forward on the cad drawings would love to build one myself.
VERY nice guys! I love the metal and wood construction.
This weekend my neighbor helped me cut my chuckbox on his CNC machine. I prepped all the panel drawings, then he loaded the CAD file into his CNC software to set various parameters, then the machine did the rest. Cuts, dados, skeletonized panels for weight reduction, the works. We did a test fit with a junky scrap panel (not shown) and everything came out pretty much perfect but for some minor tweaks. Built out of exterior rated ACX 1/2" fir plywood (sourced from local lumber yard so it's higher quality than HD or Lowes material).
6.5 lb. of weight were shaved out of the chuckbox by doing the skeletonizing and cutting panels back where I could. Total weight should be ~28 lb. empty.
My friend who runs the cabinet shop wanted one and another friend of mine wanted one, too. So we just slapped another sheet of plywood on the CNC machine ran the cut program again. It was like hitting the copy button on a photocopier. LOL. It was simply mesmerizing to watch the machine cut out the pieces. We also cut out the pieces for my friend's cargo deck system for his Wrangler, too.
Anyways, a bunch of work ahead for finishing and such but this is a start.
The machine cutting out the skeletonized holes for weight
reduction and the dados for the adjustable shelves.
The sheet all cut out with all the pieces needed for the chuckbox.
L to R: The outter box pieces, the internal shelves, the
chuck box pieces and interior partition, and the door pieces.
In the back ground is a mock-up we did a test cut on. That's
what the base will look like when it's put together.
The whole chuck box, all wrapped up to go home.