Land Cruiser 100 to Jeep Rubicon Unlimited: Capability? Comfort?


all that said, the jeep does lose a lot of creature comforts like the rear AC you mentioned. the 2012 plus AC units are much more powerful than previous, but its hard to keep up with the amount of volume inside the vehicle with only 4 vents and a smaller fan. the dash is only a foot deep.

there are ways around all that though. a white hardtop with an aftermarket insulated head liner will run significantly cooler inside than the standard black and without the liner would. AEV also produces a cool roof rack that might fit your bill, there are also other options available from companies like Gobi and Baja

my jeep on 37's can grab 20mpg on the interstate unloaded at 70mph. loaded up with a hardtop gear and a passenger though a solid 17-17.5 is doable and expected.

As for the painted top... after sleeping in the back twice, I regretted not getting the matching silver top. Fortunately I live in the north so the heat isn't really an issue (I usually have the top and doors off when it's that warm!!). As for comfort... I don't have a lot to compare it to... but I've done several 3000m + trips in my JKs (07 and 2012) and don't have an issue with the comfort... Either that or I'm not picky enough?

As for the mileage... my stock JK (2012, auto, 4.10s) got 19.9 MPG once at highway speeds (twisty road, was babying it). I got 22 MPG once, but never went about 80 kph - so I don't really count that. I regularly would get 18-19 on the highway when stock - and this is only going 60. After swapping out the tires (33s) and a new front and rear bumper, I'm down to about 17 MPG on the highway.


Burrito Enthusiast
Something is terribly wrong with your post :ylsmoke: You need to get your speedometer corrected or check your math

nope, everything is spot on and accurate. losing some weight can make a big difference - at current im 350lbs below stock curb weight.

This is also not exactly correct. At all. If you are saying a stock Rubi will "spank" a modded 100, your nuts. ARBs front and rear, some Slee armour and suspension tweaks, and no spanking will occur. Stock to stock, the Rubi will win, no doubt.

Klaus, you need to go drive a 4 door Rubi. See if any of your local dealers will let you have one overnight. I like/love my Rubi, but it isn't nearly in the same league as the LC for quality, comfort, or driving feel. I've owned multiple LCs, and 2 modded Rubis. If they still offered a LC new (that I could afford), I'd have one instead of the Jeep.

a modified LC like the OP's weighs what? 6000lbs? has a 2:1 transfer case, probably a 6-7" higher center of gravity, and MAYBE 8" of useful vertical travel that is limited heavily by a sway bar tuned for street use? all the while the rubicon weighing in with a soft top at about 4500lbs curb, has a 4:1 transfer case, very low center of gravity, stock rock sliders and a front sway bar disconnect and 7.5" of stock unrestrained suspension travel. im pretty sure thats a recipe for a solid one up shooing

now im not dogging the land cruiser, i love them. the 60 series is my all time favorite vehicle and im on a never ending quest to find a good 60 with a clean body and interior with less than 150K in a color i like for less than 10 grand. you just cannot really compare the two. they're purpose built for specific things. Jeep's foray has always been tackling unreasonably tough terrain - thats the whole reason why the rubicon was even launched in the first place.


a modified LC like the OP's weighs what? 6000lbs? has a 2:1 transfer case, probably a 6-7" higher center of gravity, and MAYBE 8" of useful vertical travel that is limited heavily by a sway bar tuned for street use? all the while the rubicon weighing in with a soft top at about 4500lbs curb, has a 4:1 transfer case, very low center of gravity, stock rock sliders and a front sway bar disconnect and 7.5" of stock unrestrained suspension travel. Im pretty sure thats a recipe for a solid one up shooing

Yup, mine stock is 5100lbs, 5600lbs with all the mods. 6000lbs plus loaded up for a trip. The front suspension is limited by the IFS. The rear suspension has better than 8" of articulation, similar to an 80 series. But a sway bar disconnect would be nice. Removing the rear seems to help on the trail. All the things listed above are competitive though. From my perspective the main advantage of the JKU is the approach and departure angle as well as it's width. The body is much farther in than the tires. On the LC the body is wider than the track, so you end up scratching all that expensive sheet metal a lot. And all wagon LCs have bad departure angles that you can't do much about since we're limited to 3" lift fron and rear. Also I haven't found another platform with as many traction options, LSD, triple lockers, traction control and sway bar disconnects. Even modded, the Lc can only do 2 of those things.


Expedition Leader
Just to stir the pot a little bit.

While I think the JKU is a great vehicle I see a lot of people GROSSLY overloading them and expecting miracles. Keep it light and simple. You will be much happier with how the vehicle holds up, performs, and lasts.

Off Duty

Interesting idea. That's kind of the 100 problem I'm having. My older 100 got 17 highway, 12mpg stop and go. The new one seems to get 11highway and 9.5 stop and go. Is your mechanics at sea level? I live on the ocean so idk what my truck's excuse is.

Renting one is a good idea. I've only ever driven a 2011 2 door. Short term lease with the option to buy at the end is also interesting. But might not make sense if you're planning to mod it at all. And using the 100 and non transferable mods for a downpayment would be like putting half down, which makes a loan about the same price as a lease...

I'm in Florida, so yes, at sea level.

I'd consider leasing for a year, and see what you get? Check out the comfort and reliability for yourself.
I really hate relying on others for something so personal.

You can always do bolt on mods, save the stock parts, and if you decide in the end it's not your cup of tea, remove and sell them, and return the rig.:coffeedrink:

Actually, when I was looking for another DD for business purposes, I rented cars and light duty "hybrid" trucks, for close to four months.
I rented everything from the Prius to the Hybrid Escape.

I ended up with a Toyota product (a gasser-no hybrid).
It got great mileage, was comfortable, and was easy to get parts for.
The others just had things that I didn't care for about them, that I would probably not noticed if I was merely test driving the car at the dealership.
It cost me a bit for all the rentals (although I did get some discounts here and there), but probably saved me $$$$ down the road.

I've actually thought about doing the same thing on my next vehicle purchase.
A couple of months in a rig will tell you quite a bit:)

Just a thought.
Hope it helps.



Just to add a little more napalm on your fire...if you are not in a "pants on fire hurry" hold off for another year or two until the Wrangler diesel gets released. That IMHO will be a gamechanger in our world.


Expedition Leader
here are your issues... rubi vs 05 cruzah.

1) comfort
2) capability
3) space
4) reliability.
5) efficiency.

1) not even close. the nvh of the latest jeep is off the charts compared to a 100.

>so the question is simple. can you live with it? will the woman live with it after the novelty wears off?

2) capability. the rubicon is inately more capable, and will be so with "all things being equal add ons" up to the point of modification where reliability becomes an issue.

>so the question is simple. do you really need it? my guess is not. i have a 40 and a 100, and while the 40 is more capable at the limits, its not more capable on stuff i do on an off road excursion, vs wheeling. i.e. i dont take the same risk on a 1 month trip. different intentions compared to local funning.

3)i dunnknow. never packed a jeep. cubic feet doesnt always tell the tale. i love my AO drawers in the 100, but neither one is a pickup with a cap.

>so the question is how much gear do you need? not entirely simple.

4)a used toyota flagship vs a new rubicon.... honestly i'd take the warranted truck, and im good at locating pristine used trucks. you just never know with used, but i wouldnt offhandedly ridicule the used buy if it fits the purpose better.

>so the question is contingent. need vs risk

5) you likely get a couple more mpg with the jeep. say... 15000miles/yr, 3.85 a gallon, 3mpg differnce... 730.00 a year...

>so the equation is, if you can't afford that over a year, ****** are you buying a new car for anyway?

add it all up, and you'll find an answer. emotional aspect not considered.
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I usually maintain, the landcruiser (the current 2013 body) is probably the best vehicle on earth. It does everything well. I would give the honor to the range rover but the reliability keeps it far from the top.


I usually maintain, the landcruiser (the current 2013 body) is probably the best vehicle on earth. It does everything well. I would give the honor to the range rover but the reliability keeps it far from the top.

I agree with the exception of the rear bumper/quarter panel. So ugly. When we have kids, we will definitely have a 200 series. And I still have infinite love for every Land cruiser series. I wish I could own all of them. But the JKU seems to be the Land Cruiser everyone's been asking for and Toyota's never made (Icon FJ44 doesn't count).


Burrito Enthusiast
The expo section of jeep is still pretty new. It really only started branching out when AEV stepped in, and then at that point others started following. It's a good platform, but its still a small vehicle. It's part of a different evolutionary strain. The Jeep was a war machine and when it came home it was a tractor. Hell the CJ/Wrangler platform didn't receive 4 doors until 2007 - 66 years later.

Land rover and Toyota have that market well equipped.


I am a jeep guy through and through, I learned that the hard way. A few years ago I lost my 2003 rubi to fire then floated around looking for what was "right". Got another jeep TJ... realized it maybe was not the platform for my changing world... so gave it to my son... moved to a Land Rover Disco - well built, great off road, no comparison in the comfort of that vehicle to any Jeep I have been in... but it was not "me". Took the reins of what was my daughter's, then my son's then my XJ. Mild build, fun... just not right. Now back to a proper jeep, a 2005 Rubicon unlimited. It has all kinds of drawbacks and limitations, but despite them it is where I am meant to be.

Point is this. I am a Jeep guy. You admittedly are a LC guy. Keep it. Deal with the imperfections, spend the extra$ minimizing them as much as you can. You can certainly mod it to the point of going where you want and spend less in the long run then buying a new Rubi. Sometimes it is THE truck. I would still be in that 2003 Rubicon if it did not burn up... and not even considering changing.



Expedition Leader
I agree with the exception of the rear bumper/quarter panel. So ugly. When we have kids, we will definitely have a 200 series. And I still have infinite love for every Land cruiser series. I wish I could own all of them. But the JKU seems to be the Land Cruiser everyone's been asking for and Toyota's never made (Icon FJ44 doesn't count).

therein lies your problem, the word "landcruiser". you think of all landcruisers as related, and the only commonality is name the model is marked under. a 100, is totally different than a 200, which has nothing to do with a 70.

wipe the name "landcruiser" maketing tool from your brain, and get the truck that fits your intended use.

youre bouncing between two trucks whos common link is limited to 4 wheels. a friggin cherokee is more like a 100 than a rubicon, which leads me to believe the issue isnt the use details at all, but merely an emothinal "want', and what you want is a rubicon with a landcruiser badge. in that regard, youre limited to two choices..., get over it... or glue a mexican hat and landcruiser badge on a rubicon! if it makes you happy, thats all that really counts.

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