So a few pages back I posted a photo of my truck torn apart to add the lift. Here's a photo of the truck from a few of weeks ago about 25 miles out of Tonopah, NV. Tony is checking to make certain that I'm not going to rip off the passenger side drop step. We had already gone up the ledge and explored for another 10 miles before turning around and heading back to camp. I was a bit surprised just how capable the long truck is. I don't want to sink a bunch of money into it but it does need some more maintenance. The exhaust system is bent up by the PO and the muffler is rusting through. One of the rear axle seals is leaking so I'll do both at the same time. Always something to do...
I've heard the term "adventure truck" used on the forum and I think that is about the best description of the truck. Not an overlander nor a built 4X4, but a capable truck to take me to my next adventure. That's not always a good thing though. Less than an hour after this photo I was climbing down into a mine when the rope dislodged a rock about the size of a softball about 15 feet above me. It clipped me on the shoulder then again on my forearm before clatter down the shaft. It was everything I could do to climb the ladder back out. It's taken weeks to get my movement back. We always wear helmets but I didn't have shoulder pads on....