So I'm going to jump in on a couple of issues here. First off, regarding the CB vs. HAM debate. I've always used a CB, years upon years ago I looked into getting my HAM license and radio. Sure, it's $14 for the test, but a decent radio will definetly cost you more than $145, try closer to $250. For $250 I can buy a high end CB, antenna, and have the radio peaked/tuned, installed, SWR set and that's a professional install. As for range, well, lemme share a little story, and this will also tie another subject in.
Back in the late 80's, I drove a 2wd Mazda B2200 p-up. I had a t-bar crank lift and 31's, off-roaded it all over here in Colorado. Went over Mosquito with it twice, and many other trails. One afternoon, we got stuck on a ridge between Mt. Bross and Mt. Lincoln, it's really just a shelf trail marginally designed for a vehicle. My poor little carburated 4 cyl. simply couldn't get enough oxygen to run. Tried to back down the trail, worked for about 50' till one of the tires slid off the shelf and rested on the axle tube. Granted it was only 6" beneath it and the ground, but we were stuck. Hi-lift wasn't of much help. Now, had I slid the rest of the way off, it was a 20 deg. downward slope for 1,500 ft followed by a 4,000 ft drop off. While I was pondering the situation, a group of hikers came along, we tried to manhandle the truck back on the trail, wasn't happening, we tried to jack it up and put rocks under the tire and create a new shelf, great until the right front dropped off and hung up. An hr later we had it up but I still didn't have the power to move it. This was pre-cell phone day, however, I was able to use my CB, and talk to someone in Alma (roughly 8 miles away) who was able to call a wrecker service in Fairplay and have them send a 4wd wrecker to come and winch me 75'. Using the CB, we were able to guide the wrecker to me. $200 for the call out and winching, AAA reimbursed it.
Now, as for the other parts to tie in. On that same pickup I had a bed bar, with 4 front facing and 2 rear facing KC's as well as a grill guard with 4 more KC's. When we got stuck it was 2 pm, when we finally started down the Mtn. it was 8 pm and VERY dark. The wrecker was in the lead and couldn't see the trail very well. I was able to fire up all my lights and lead the way down. Now, people bring up stock vs. modified vehicles. Sure this is a debate that will rage for centuries, sure a stock vehicle will do a lot, heck, in HS I used to off-road my parents '76 2wd Chevy window van. Took it many places, and never got it stuck. That 2wd Mazda went thru hell and back 6 yrs. My current vehicle is the same, sure it's 4wd, in stock form it went many places, but you can't leave things alone and it's modified to meet my needs.
Oh and a worthless mod, unless your vehicle weighs 226 tons empty, and can tow 1,000,000 lbs, LEAVE THE TRAIN HORNS ON TRAINS!!!!!