My new '87 Ramcharger build thread


Dirt Guy
The tires are 33x12.5 muds on 10-inch rims. I have determined by comparison that Ryan has a 4-inch lift, not the PO stated 6" lift. The tires are some Chinese brand that tripled in price after I bought them, sadly. However, they are place holders for the time I get some 3/4-ton (or better) drive-train.


New member
man you have had some absolutely beautiful mopars in the past..... I am loving that one in the upper right corner orange with the utility bed.... looks like a 74 or 76.... amazing beauty.... Just when I think I am done I find another one... very nice....


Anyone else have a lead on the factory rollbar? I would love one for my 89. I too am a mopar nut. Current one is a 89 RC and I also have a 93 Mexican RC, Still old style body. Not the 94 style. Bought it for the 360 magnum and 518. Cant part it cause it has too many cool mexican only options. Not sure if I can register it in the states or not. Worse case might swap the body onto my 89 frame.


Pics? What are the differences? I love intermarket differences in vehicles!

Pics on online somewhere. lol. The biggest things are a honeycomb grill. Like the 2nd gen dodges, a 3rd brake light, rear wiper on the hatch and my favorite rear AC.


Dirt Guy
All the replacement parts are in, water/anti-freeze topped up and no apparent leaks after a warm up sequence. Will road test on way to work tomorrow. Yeah!! Moved under power today and will check trans fluid after my 11mile commute. :smiley_drive:


Dirt Guy
The VVRRRRHHHH noise finally became apparent Wednesday night on my drive home. The rear U-joint finally gave it up after about 800 freeway miles now. Picked a pair of joints from the NAPA tree, ready for install tomorrow.

I've put about 800 miles on Ryan now, and the PO told me about the worn rear joint. Between the stacked blocks, soft rear springs, and the funky rear sway bar, it's the rotating part that suffers. :Wow1:


Dirt Guy
Another source of noise removed:

For sale, too...

Rear sway bar might be more suited for a truck equipped with a camper, but shouldn't have been on the Ramcharger.


Dirt Guy
My son helped me test fit the Iron Mule bumper this evening. The mounts that came with the bumper thankfully had the correct hole spacing and only required trimming to be refit to the Ramcharger chassis. This bumper weighs around 400 pounds (or better), and required both of us and assistance from our garden cart and hi-lift to maneuver the big iron. This fitment was to aid in determining the necessary trim along the bottom edge of the bumper where the receiver hitch otherwise interferes. The trimming will wait for another day, time to hit the shower.

My son: :REExeSquatsHL1:
Me: :eek:


Is that the bumper with the crane inside? I like those but the weight alone.:Wow1:

How far does your hitch hang down? There seems to be 2 different styles. The one I have whixh came with mine when I bought it and sits right up underneath the rear bumper. Its not the step style bumper either. And then an aftermarket style that fits all those generations of dodges and supposedly hangs down like ~8" under the bumper. Well at least from what I found since mine is rusted out. Cant seem to find the higher style one.


Dirt Guy
Is that the bumper with the crane inside? I like those but the weight alone.:Wow1: ... How far does your hitch hang down? ...hangs down like ~8" under the bumper.

My truck was equipped with a Westin 6" drop bumper when I purchased it, and was equipped with a cheesy aftermarket receiver bolted to the bumper. This was not the acceptable towing equipment for my use. I located a hitch on a D350 and documented the installation above. It hangs down about a bit, but I knew that I'd be sectioning out part of the lower edge of the crane bumper anyway. The fitment of the hitch and bumper in combination work out rather well. I plan on having a length of angle iron welded to connect the bumper and hitch mounts to further strengthen the new apparatus and distribute towed or lifted loads along the frame better. The total drop from the bottom edge of the rear door to the bottom of the hitch is about 9¾".

The high mount hitch would not have worked for my setup, but I've left a note on a Ramcharger with said hitch that I'd buy for parts if the family calls back. I'd get the roll bar and a non-vacuum front axle, too!!


How come you're selling?

EDIT: Never mind, I read it like you were selling the truck, not just the swaybar. :eek:


Nice ram. Mine is a 92.

I took my hitch apart and flipped the receiver part upside down and welded it to the top of the crossbar. It looks like the factory should have done it, making a very nice departure angle.

I think you might want to reconsider the amount of weight you are hanging off the back end. These pigs are pretty tail heavy to start with and adding that much to the rear isn't going to help your hill climbing or your towing any. It especially makes backing down a steep hill a problem, as it unloads the front tires too much and makes the front want to slide sideways.

If you decide to gear it, you can buy thick Dana 44 gears and keep your 3.23 carrier, add a lunchbox locker and you are set.

I would keep that rear swaybar if you plan on a roof rack and flexy rear springs. You might like it since Dodge decided to inboard the rear shocks, taking the leverage away which prevents body roll.

Crossover is the way to go, even though I have the adjustable draglink on mine, it's still not very good when you start twisting one up. If you like flex, then look up the spring rate difference between Chevy front springs and Dodge. Almost 300 lbs/in difference in some of them. RC Central is great, but there are tons of ideas that interchange between blazers and Ramchargers.

I'm just over the hill from you, so if you need something I might have an idea where to get it, since I have a couple Dodge nuts in the neighborhood.

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