Near Death on The North Rim !!!


Heavy Duty Adventurer
Excellent story. Doesn't matter if it's "quirky". Important thing is you shared it with us. Thanks!

"Ex Umbris Venimus"

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Great story! And exciting too! Im glad that you both made it out safely. Very easily could have been a bad story.


Glad you made it out Dave. I think the recent forest fires from earlier this year really contributed to the weakening of many trees through there. Combined with 50mph wind and that sounds like a dangerous situation. Glad your truck didn't get crunched!

Same road!


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Great story! And exciting too! Im glad that you both made it out safely. Very easily could have been a bad story.

Thanks Aaron,

I always felt that we would be OK . I thought we could hold out if we got stuck , but I'm a positive thinker too !:smiley_drive:
I guess lots of positive thinkers die also ! :elkgrin:


Glad you made it out Dave. I think the recent forest fires from earlier this year really contributed to the weakening of many trees through there. Combined with 50mph wind and that sounds like a dangerous situation. Glad your truck didn't get crunched!

Same road!

Thanks James,

You might be right about the fires and wind weakening the trees , wind for sure ! Like I said in your trip report ( Exploring the West ...... great read buy the way ! ) I wish I would of read it before we left, about when you were there , a couple months earlier and had to move that tree ! Then I would of been more prepared for what we could encounter .
Having a tree crunch us or the truck was a real worry when we were there :Wow1: I made sure to let Karen know , that to be watchful and ready to move if a tree came crashing down when we were working !



Great report Dave. Many people who doubt their writing skills are too worried about what others might think, and will never dare to put themselves out there in a report like this. I applaud you for sharing this trip and the pictures. I would like to encourage you to write more reports for two reasons. (1), Writing is like any other skill. It improves with use. (2), You are a very good at telling the story in an engaging manner (which is actually the hard part). I enjoyed this one. Keep 'em comin' man!

dave thanks for sharing ..i type like im talking so its not proper ?im also a bit nervous to write reports as to get picked on for spelling etc ?i let the guys im with write them then i just add pics etc lol.i can build you a house but cant type worth a poop?..its more about the story than anything ?what a great story also ,your like me i feel ..if your wife or kids are with you ,it sure makes the situation different ,if its just me it all good but making sure they are safe adds a bit more to it ?thanks for adding this brushhogger ..just messing with the question marks?had to do it ?...please keep posting love your stories...jason


dave thanks for sharing ..i type like im talking so its not proper ?im also a bit nervous to write reports as to get picked on for spelling etc ?i let the guys im with write them then i just add pics etc lol.i can build you a house but cant type worth a poop?..its more about the story than anything ?what a great story also ,your like me i feel ..if your wife or kids are with you ,it sure makes the situation different ,if its just me it all good but making sure they are safe adds a bit more to it ?thanks for adding this brushhogger ..just messing with the question marks?had to do it ?...please keep posting love your stories...jason[/QJason,

Like you I'm not a writer ,but it's the story that's important . That we tell others and help them dream, like others reports have helped us dream , when we can't be out there , like most of us want to be on this form ! So yes , I encourage all to write a trip report , not all of us are good at it ,but if you can tell where and what you did , and get some pictures in it . Most of us will look at it and enjoy it . We all like pictures . Like my wife says , I'm a man , I'm a visual creature . :elkgrin: It's like Playboy , we don't get it for the articles , like we say . :hehe:

I'm an adventurer , explorer at heart , but always have to be more careful when we have women or children with us !

My daughter read this report over Christmas and she was pointing out tons of mistakes both grammar and punctuation , and didn't once say anything about the story being good or interesting .:) But that's what I ask her to do , she good at writing .

Thanks for reading and the the comment . Dave


Well-known member
Nice report and pictures.

Sounds like you kept a level head and actually thought about the situation and worked through a solution. So uncommon any more. So many people out there would have gone with the "sky is falling" mentality.

I would suggest you find a place to store a tow strap all the time, not something you have to "remember" to pack. This should be #1 on any list of items in the vehicle at all times.

Also, on my last trip, one of the guys in our group had one of these. Worked great and I just ordered one to keep in the rig at all times.



I have something similar to that pic, its called the Sven Saw. It folds up and is all aluminum (except for the blade). Best part about it is that it doesn't rattle behind your seat!

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