Well, I am fully transitioned to the mac. The Toshiba is clean up and in the box and ready for a life of adventure with Lance (it has been to the Arctic already, so it's pretty experienced

I spent two full days cleaning up all of my old back-ups, files and hard drives. It was a huge job, but I am glad I did it. I need to get a good drive (around .5TB) and set up time machine. Alvaro has had good success with that. The concept of time machine is another very cool Apple solution. I have tried several other PC based "living" back-up solutions and they never worked correctly, which does not inspire much confidence.
I have Aperture and CS3 installed now, along with DreamWeaver and FireWorks. Full MS Office suite too. So far, not much has been negative, just a few goofy things, like the delete button (doesn't delete moving forward once the backspace deletes finish, like on a PC). Lack of right mouse button a little cumbersome (needing to use the ctrl button all the time).
Overall, these are my initial impressions:
1. Beautifully constructed and designed
2. Seamless transition between applications
3. Display
4. Minimal packaging and smartly presented. Apple has the initial impression game nailed.
5. iChat rocks. The whole team can easily communicate now.
1. Almost twice the price of similar PC performance
2. Need to learn all new shortcuts
3. Case gets a little warm
4. Only TWO USB ports
5. I miss a few mapping programs already, but solutions are on the way
6. Had to re-buy all my web design apps and MS office apps. (could not transfer license... well, my Macromedia licenses allowed for the "upgrade" CS3 and Fireworks price.)
Overall, rockin machine. :rockon:
Next up is some efforts to increase its durability and resilience for outdoor use. Has anyone used one of these covers?
Case-Mate Leather Cover