I saw in an Autocar/UK article where LR is thinking about making the DC100 the entry level vehicle. I have visions of this thing becoming a yuppy urbanite "dune buggy." Granted, times change and vehicle styling is what makes for strong sales. However, if this comes to pass and LR actually turns the iconic Defender into the sales ***** that Ford attempted with the 80's Mustang abomination, then shame on LR execs for their error in judgement. I've given some pretty caustic Tweets to LRNA and Tata, as well as to Roverguide, regarding my disdain for the DC100. Really? Can LR not maintain one "hard core" vehicle for the faithful; those of us who bleed green (or black) and have this twisted passion for the beautiful utility (and reliability, when properly maintained!) of the LR pedigree? I fully realize that even if shod with the classic Defender bodywork, a "new and improved" version would be a veritable 4-wheeled electrical storm requiring a physics degree to maintain; that's "progress." However, is it too much to ask that LR pacify the faithful (those of us who defy the likes of Edmonds and JD Power reviews) to keep our allegiance to the brand, by giving us some morsel of validation? To me, the DC100 is a harsh slap in the face. It is a statement that LR is casting us aside; as if they are saying: "out of my house. Water is thicker than blood; begone."
Am I over-dramatizing this DC100 issue? Yeah; maybe. However, I feel discounted and betrayed, like the family business patriarch whose 2nd generation offspring has decided to sell Chinese (in this case, Indian?) I-phones instead of handcrafted Class A amplifiers. LR is whoring-out to make sales. That's a shame......that's a HUGE shame.