North American Ramblings of a Perpetual Transient


Perpetual Transient
Ok, time to get back to work on this trip report! I am more than just a little bit behind.

After Comb Wash we found a nice spot with a view in Valley of the Gods for the night. I love the spots in VOG's where you get a good view down towards Monument Valley. After a good nights sleep with some occasionall showers pattering on the tent we awoke Easter morning to this...


Broken sunshine between intermittant thundershowers. It was a great way to spend Easter morning.


We had a lowkey morning and finally got moving. The impending weather moving in really was the final motivator to get us packed and rolling.


The sun, the showers, and the dark clouds made for some great contrasts with the rock.

We decided to skp Mokie Dugway and Mulie Point since the weather really looked dark that way. Figured we had alot of miles to cover today too. Our plan was to meet up with Walt Gibson at Pipe Springs tonight and drop down into Toroweep the following morning.


The ever beautiful drive through Monument Valley, a national treasure without a doubt. How many stretches of highway are this iconic??

As we worked our way west we passed just south of thunderstorm after thunderstorm, often impressive in scope with massive anvils. Definately a beautiful drive across the Navajo Nation. We stopped briefly in Page to look at the Glen Canyon Dam and make some lunch out of the back of the truck brefore pressing on towards our destination. Since it was getting late in the evening and the weather was pretty cold and rough we decided to wuss out and stop at a restaraunt for some good Mexican fare. After grabbing a few needed supplies from the store we met up with Walt at the campground in Pipe Springs. I am not much of a campground guy, and this one was pretty bleak in nature but I will tell you, having access to hot showers for a night was a luxury that was well appreciated. We had been making good use of my solar shower but tonight was very cold and windy and being able to take an endless hot shower was pure ecstasy. We chatted with Walt only briefly as the night had a sharp bite to it. The tent was loud that night with strong wind buffetting. Where was the warm weather we were seeking??

The following morning we wasted no time getting on the road. The weather was clear, calm and it looked like the weather was finally breaking. Pipe Springs is just west of the dirt road that takes you to Toroweep, a point on the North Rim of the Grand Canyon that is very remote and not visted much. Dropping off the pavement it is 65 miles due south to the rim. What I found interesting was that you needn't have a National Parks Pass or even a camping permit to camp there. There are 9 sites with solar powered composting toilettes and fire rings that are a first come first serve basis.


An old road grader abandoned on the side of the road. The road itself is a nice graded dirt road most of the way with just enough rocks at the end to make it a bit dangerous for a normal passenger car, that said though, a Mitsubishi Galant was driving out as we came in... I would have to say I would want something witha bit more clearance and better tires personally, that's the kind of thing that leads to those stories you hear about that end poorly...


The view along the road...... the valleys were painted with flowers blooming.


We found a nice camp spot that was protected by a rock ledge on the west side. After getting things setup we hiked to the rim of the canyon.


and wow what a view it was! 3,000 feet down to the river at an area of the canyon where the rims are relatively narrow. It definately takes your breath away as you first view it and contemplate the depths you are staring into. In this shot Lava Rapids is just below the area where the black lava rock is seen pouring down into the canyon. It is the largest rapid in the Grand Canyon.


Little yoga on the precipice?


2005 Expedition Trophy Champion
Great pics there Kristian. Living the dream, I tell you. Hope to hear from you soon,


Perpetual Transient
Great pics there Kristian. Living the dream, I tell you. Hope to hear from you soon,

Thanks! Figures you move to CO right as I move away! I will be out there a ton starting in early November, maybe before that so we better hang out.


2005 Expedition Trophy Champion
Indeed. We still need to point 'em downhill at some point too. I'll show you how a 5yo and 7yo AZ-born and bred have learned to carve as by never teaching them the plow :) I should have them cracking goggles against gates in no time.


Perpetual Transient
Indeed. We still need to point 'em downhill at some point too. I'll show you how a 5yo and 7yo AZ-born and bred have learned to carve as by never teaching them the plow :) I should have them cracking goggles against gates in no time.

Nice! Yeah, well, now that you are in CO we should be able to rip in November at least, I am out there all month. Are you thinking Loveland Valley Race Team? A former US coach and good friend of mine is the head coach there now and he is about the best coach I know and is focussing his efforts on the younger kids in that program now. WOuld be a great program to get your kids in on.


Expedition Leader
Great pics...Glad to see that you are getting out and exploring. Shoot me a PM if you make it to Park City. BTW...planning a trip to the Swell next weekend that involves some water if you are interested:)


2005 Expedition Trophy Champion
I skied for LBRC from 84-92+. I'm encouraging my oldest to go for a day with them to see how he likes it. He only has 1 season on skis his whole life, so it might be intimidating. Who's head coach there now that you know?
Looks like a great trip, man. I remember a few of those spots from last year in the Chinook with you and Thomas. Planning on headed that way this summer in my $500 FJ60.

Have a great rest of the trip!



Perpetual Transient
Great pics...Glad to see that you are getting out and exploring. Shoot me a PM if you make it to Park City. BTW...planning a trip to the Swell next weekend that involves some water if you are interested:)

Where in the Swell are you headed? Was thinking about hitting the northern portion. Looks like Saturday's weather won't be too bad but Sunday rain again? Crappy weather this week! Are you guys rafting or kayaking? I kind of have a committment Saturday that I am trying to get out of in order to sneak down there, yet to be determined!


Perpetual Transient
I skied for LBRC from 84-92+. I'm encouraging my oldest to go for a day with them to see how he likes it. He only has 1 season on skis his whole life, so it might be intimidating. Who's head coach there now that you know?

John Hale, he was women's Europa Cup coach for a couple of stints as well as the head D Team coach for a few years. One of the best teachers you will find. Give him a hard time for me though if you talk to him... ;-)


Perpetual Transient
Looks like a great trip, man. I remember a few of those spots from last year in the Chinook with you and Thomas. Planning on headed that way this summer in my $500 FJ60.

Have a great rest of the trip!


Good to hear from you Scott! Yeah, the snow was mostly gone from that route we attempted before getting turned around. How's the 60 running? The shot of your Chinook airing out the front wheel on Elephant Hill is still one of my favorites from that trip!

Did anyone ever here how Tom with the Tacoma's trip to Panama went? I am so curious.
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Perpetual Transient
It was great getting to catch up with Walt again. I had met Walt at Overland Expo 2010 and he had tagged along with a rag tag possie of us who were doing some exploring on the way back towards Moab. Walt is something like two months into living out of his Jeep and travelling. Like us, he had found that this spring had been pretty cold and the weather quite foul at times. It was great to get to shoot the breeze and get some first hand updates of how Expo was this year and all the cool new stuff (that I can't afford :D). We spent the afternoon taking a bunch of pictures, often times on ledges and also just sat there in silence taking in the staggering views with nothing more than the sound of the wind and the occasional crow call.


Walt on the edge


Alyssa trying to grasp the scale.


Lotus pose with a view


Cactus on the verge of bloom.



Relaxing back at camp that afternoon. Our campsite had a decent collection of firewood left behind by some kind soul. We made a nice campfire after cleaning up and showering that evening. Even though the weather wasn't super warm, the direct sun made heating up water in the solar shower every day easy and relatively fast. Yeah, not the most sophisticated or trick solution but it works and honestly, that's all that really matters to me.

That night the wind gust would occasionally buffet the tent hard. The stars were out and Alyssa and I took a midnight walk and just laid on a big rock to stair at the stars. Pretty surreal landscape to be laying in, in the starlight. Again though, another evening with a bite in the air.

The following morning again was bluebird. Walt informed us that the weather forecast he picked up via his HAM was stating high winds moving in that afternoon. He was anxious to get a move on and try to high tail it somewhere to find some better, warmer weather. Obviously the weather had been taking its toll on him lately. He muttered something about warm weather, Death Valley, no wind... ;) I don't blame him. We however decided to stick around for another day to play and take in the scenery. So far we had been on the move everyday since Moab and having a day with nothing planned, no where to go, was highly appealing.

Alyssa is a pretty darned talented yoga instructor so despite my pleadings of how horribly inflexible I am and the like, she persuaded me to do a session with her. The day was warming up already and after saying our goodbyes to Walt we found a nice flat rock and rolled out the yoga mats. It felt pretty damn good. The sun, the warm rock, a SUPER patient teacher, I saw areas of my flexibility improve by over 2 inches in certain areas! Wow. Being the consummate moron though I forgot to put sunscreen on my legs and over the course of the two hour session, BBQ'd my legs. Being a skier, my neck and face always have a good tan going but my legs, well, those bad boys were a bit white and pasty. Now they were lobster red. ahhhh.


After the yoga session I was feeling pretty good, super relaxed and just well... grounded. Great feeling. We had been debating what to do with our day. There is a hike nearby that plunges 3,000 feet down to the river in the course of two miles we were considering or another rim hike we could do an out and back on but in the end just did a short hike on the nearby rim, taking photos and just playing. It was perfect.


After 15 attempts with my iphone she timed it right to catch me jumping over a gap that dropped straight down an awfully long way. I know, I mentioned I wasn't terribly bright right?



Our lone tree at our camp.
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