Off Clip On (Mosquito repellent)


OverCamping Specialist

Saw a commercial on TV the other day, Off has come out with a new item called the Clip On.

You do not spray this on.
The Cutter Advanced Sport (15% picaridin) I bought yesteryear worked great for me up at Mt. Rainier, but this might be worth looking into.
I hate having any repellent on my skin.

Has anyone tried this?
The other clip on products I have seen require you light a heat pack and place coils in them, Cabelas carries those, but this looks much easier to use.


the wife just picked one up yesterday for our daughter when we are outside

it took a moment to work, but it seems to do alright


OverCamping Specialist
Thanks, I will pick up a few.
'Skeeters are attracted to me, and I would really like to stay on the low side of the West Nile virus thing.


Expedition Leader
just tell yourself there no such thing as west nile and you wont get it:ylsmoke:

i saw a patch the other day at cabelas that you apply like one of those stop smoking patches, wonder how well that works?


OverCamping Specialist
My local Safeway has these for under $10, and the refills too.
I swell up and itch though from 'skeeter bites, so I usually have to use a spray on to survive when out camping.

I quit using 100% DEET years ago.
Melted a hole in a nylon sleeping bag back in the 80s, that stuff is pretty nasty.


Thornton Melon's Kid
I work for SC Johnson who makes these. I know they have them in the company store but have been waiting to hear results before picking a couple up.

Keep us posted. I will pass along your results to the appropriate people if you want.


OverCamping Specialist
I work for SC Johnson who makes these. I know they have them in the company store but have been waiting to hear results before picking a couple up.

Keep us posted. I will pass along your results to the appropriate people if you want.
That would be great to get some feedback here for your company.

I'm going car camping this weekend, and I am a mosquito magnet. I'll be sure to buy a few of them and will post a review.
Looking forward to it.

I opened up mine the other day to see how the fan works, and there was a coupon inside for $1 off for a refill.
Picked up a few refills this morning at the grocery store.
The checker would like to know how this works too, as he has mostly used DEET (Cutters) most of the time he lived up in Alaska for 26 years.
He said you really needed the DEET up where he lived, the 'skeeters were big and bold.

matt s

Old wives tale.

Eat garlic, lots of it, preferably raw. Actually it works, I know some people who pop a couple of cloves like pills every day to keep the bugs away.

I don't go for the raw cloves bit, but I do find that increased garlic in the diet helps, it will repel human elements as well. ;-)


Have you ever seen the Tabasco ads? They show mosquitos dropping over dead after biting people using their products. Very funny stuff and great tee shirts. Not sure if it works or not??


My local Costco is selling those Off Clip On Mosquito Repellent devices and I was wondering how they worked for you guys?

Any reviews?

I am thinking about getting some of these or the ThermaCell units.


OverCamping Specialist
Mine worked great for skeeters last year on a trip camped next to a river.
However the black flies ate me alive, and I had no DEET with me, and the other repellent I had did not work on the flies.

But this Off devise really does work for skeeters.
I picked up some REI Jungle Juice for the black flies this year if they are out.

I clipped the Off device to my one of my camp chairs, and I only saw one skeeter come close.



Thornton Melon's Kid
We were up north for the weekend and I think we about used a whole bottle of Deep Woods Off trying to keep the skeeters at bay. Sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn't. When we were having adult beverages by the water it didn't seem to do much but up by the woods it did. Kind of odd.

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