OldSven's 4Runner


Looks great! I didn't know Jeff was still building bumpers. Know if he has done any for any 05+ rigs???

I know he has done a rear one for a local wheeler around here. I saw it once and it was pretty cool but don't think he has done one for the front. Even my runner one was his first.


Well with prices of tires:Wow1: I'm now looking at just painting the runner rims and getting some 255 Maxxis. 15" steelies and 5 33x10.5 KM2's come out to about $1400. If I go with the 255's and keep my wheels I'm at like $750ish and I can use the other cash towards some other stuff. If you guys have any pics of some painted wheels would be great, I have seen a few on here that are graphite or charcoal that look really clean. It won't match the trailer but I might beable to live with that:)


Active member
Looking good..

When you get you tires on.....we are going to need a side-by-side shot with the new runner and the old Taco....

285's sound cool....

255's and some spacer you should be set!



you looked into these guys yet? http://www.onlinetires.com/ best online prices i have found so far. you got a shop you like to go to locally? i had a guy tell me he went in to a les shwabb and was able to barter with them a bit, may end up giving that a try.


you looked into these guys yet? http://www.onlinetires.com/ best online prices i have found so far. you got a shop you like to go to locally? i had a guy tell me he went in to a les shwabb and was able to barter with them a bit, may end up giving that a try.

Thanks for the link, awsome prices!!! I have an old friend that I used to work at when I was at the dealerships that is now an autotech teacher so I'm just going to run up there and mount and balance them for free:elkgrin:


you are quite welcome. that is a nice little hookup, having a buddy who can do it for $0. can't wait to see your ride with new shoes!


i had a guy tell me he went in to a les shwabb and was able to barter with them a bit, may end up giving that a try.

It was $82 for mount/balance last time i went to Les Schwab...last time that's happening.


Well I'm going to order up the 255 Maxxis on Monday. I also got some charcoal metalic paint today for the wheels, still deciding if I'm going to paint them. I think it would add a nice touch to the rig. I also did the "turn signal mod" today. Got some 1157 amber bulbs and sockets and fit them into the markers so I have big bright bulbs but also turn signals.


Got the back setup with the co2 bottle, rubbermaid with tools etc. and also the fridge. I decided to go the rubbermaid route for now because the drawer system is kind of a permanant, where as this has all of my stuff and I can take both out really quick if I need to load the back. I did the "power outlet" mod so I have constant 12v out back and also the two up front. This will be awsome having the fridge in the runner, so much more accesable than the trailer. Also got all my measurements so I can pick up the steel tomorrow for the bumper build:coffeedrink:


Update of dash.

Update of engine bay.


Dude....we need to update that fridge cover!!...lol

Can't wait to see the new shoes.....KM2 would be worth the extra coin.....


Eh, I'm going back to the old Maxxis. Allways had good luck with those, I've replaced the BFG's a few times now. A new cover for the fridge would make a good Christmas present :)


From where are you ordering your Maxxis tires? I may be missing the looking gene, as my wife says, but every time I've looked for prices I can't find any.

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