OldSven said:Done :coffeedrink:
Weight wise the bumper is around 85, and the swingout is about 45. With everything all together is comes out to around 250lbs. I should have wrote done with one project on to another:Wow1:p1michaud said:Done, wishfull thinking isn't it? :Mechanic:
Great job on the bumper. Do you know what the final weight was (minus the Hi-Lift and Tire)?
Cheers :beer:,
OldSven said:Weight wise the bumper is around 85, and the swingout is about 45. With everything all together is comes out to around 250lbs. I should have wrote done with one project on to another:Wow1:
I'm going to try and start ordering parts next week. The stock shackles fit the springs but might just order some 1.5" over gresables just incase these don't lift it right. Not only do the stockers sagg real bad they are screwing with my steering while driving:smiley_drive:Willman said:Boy does that pig weight a lot!....i think mine is around 260 lbs. range!
Looks great!
Like the plate in the center!
When are the new springs going in?
Actually my lights just showed up yesterday. I picked up these off of ebay, just need to wire them up.flyingwil said:Looks great! What are you doing to light up the license plate? I ended up with Off Road Only's LitePLATE...
Willman said:Love'in it!!!!!
Can't wait to see the out come!!!!!!
When are you going to be done????