"One Life Live It" What's the story?


So I've seen the phrase on a ton of Defenders, I really like it and I'm planning on putting it on mine as well. But I'm curious if anyone knows where/when it started? Also, is it a Land Rover thing, or an all around overland thing?

Just trying to understand the origins and current usage a bit before I "drink the kool aid".



aka rover

Camel Trophy moto

Thats its origins as far as I know! at least thats my story and im sticking to it:sombrero:


One mans Fish is another mans Poisson etc, but I think its overused and clichéd now.......however its your truck.........



I agree with both the above - it was the motto for the Tierra Del Fuego Camel trophy event and was emblazoned on the vehicles.

Since then, it has also been used by Land Rover Gear on t-shirts, mugs, stickers and god knows what other merchandise. It has become the most horrendously repeated window sticker I have ever witnessed and I just hate to see it on anything other than the original CT vehicles it was created for. I much prefer the older "Best 4x4xFar".


Expedition Leader
I disagree on the most over used... to me it's the "If you can read this, turn me over" seen on way too many Jeeps and others... I do not own a LR, but do like the "One Life, Live It" quote. I also thought it was a CT thing....

I agree with both the above - it was the motto for the Tierra Del Fuego Camel trophy event and was emblazoned on the vehicles.

Since then, it has also been used by Land Rover Gear on t-shirts, mugs, stickers and god knows what other merchandise. It has become the most horrendously repeated window sticker I have ever witnessed and I just hate to see it on anything other than the original CT vehicles it was created for. I much prefer the older "Best 4x4xFar".


Appreciate the comments. It's interesting to hear all of this. I have been a sports car guy for the last six or so years in New York, so I didn't see "One Life. Live It." until I started noticing Land Rovers around the UK a few months ago. So for me it's completely new and I've only maybe seen it five or six times since. But I guess being in the off-road world you guys are much more exposed to it and it's been overdone.

I guess I need to give it some thought. I do really like it as a phrase, but I would prefer something unique..


Sticker grafitti is still hanging on. As noted above, don't drink the KoolAid.

I've been slowly destickering my truck for a year or so. I'm down to just two club stickers, a Four Wheeler magazine sticker that I found in the Mojave Road mailbox and a US flag. As those wear out and weather they will be removed.


You will note that the people commenting on how awful it is,are uk based, like myself.

It is way over used over here. Every time I see it, I just cringe. It's almost 'Chav' status.

If you want something different, how about 'Its a rock, get over it!' ?


Why put a "slogan" on anyway? Guess I don't understand the appeal.

I don't like big stickers. Mine is a genuine LR rear window sticker about 12x1.5" and behind the window tint is relatively discrete. I think it has a small amount of wit and is rarely used, so is just a minor individualisation of the car. I do agree with you on aggressive comments or overly large or common motifs, though. One I particularly dislike is one I jokingly made up on another forum several years ago while discussing bad drivers and which has become a sticker increasingly often seen on nastily modified vehicles with excessively aggressive appearances over here, which reads "you are my crumple zone"; it just portrays LR drivers as thugs.


I just have "LANDROVER V8" across front of bonnet on my 110CSW and "helicopter pilots get it up quicker" on the back :smiley_drive:


Why put a "slogan" on anyway? Guess I don't understand the appeal.

I'm starting to agree with you. I may just go with my website along the sides.

I am doing a big map on the utility section though, but there is no doubt in my mind about that one..

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