Well, this thread says to post up stories so here it goes.... Normally I travel camp and explore soio, kind of a lone wolf/hermit, if you will. Back on the Ides of March (which also happend to be my 37th birthday) I decided to branch out and try somehting different... SO I headed to the 2013 SoCal Desert Rendzevous put on Dave (TACODOC) and the Rendzevous Conspiracy gang aka American Adventurists. I had a great time, met some fine Folks who I now call friends. During one of the day hikes; a freak windstorm came through the camp area and long story short, gobbled up a few tents, turned 4RUNAMOK's easy up into a modern art masterpiece... AND snapped and arm clean off and busted the tension spring in EEZI AWN awning. BOO! Luckily fate was on my side. Paul May from Equipt just so happend to be there and took the time to help begin the healing process of my damaged EEzi Awn awning. he determined which parts I would need to fix it and assured me that he could get them on order after the rendzevous which was fantastic ; considering I was already planning on attending OEX 13.
I thought; WOW! this guy owns the company that imports this stuff and he's going out of his way to help ME out!?! Just when I thought that customer service was pretty much dead Paul goes all Jesus on me and brings lazarus (customer service) back from the dead!! I must admit I was extremely impressed. Because I know how insane customs is (from my Hannibal awning ordeal; which I won't bore you with) I was completely understanding when paul told me the parts wouldn't likely arrive until OEX. No biggie, I'm a patient man; 17 years in the Marine Corps taught me that... So, Just before OEX I touched bases with Paul about the parts and to see what tools I would need to bring etc. He regrettably informed me that due to the douchebaggedness of US Customs the container wouldn't arrive in time.... BUT, Jess Stuhler, (owner of EEZI AWN) was inbound for OEX and was personally bringing one of my parts with him!!!! AGAIN, stunned by such a level of customer service.
After settling in at the American Adventurist campsite at OEX I reunited with Rendzevous Conspiracy gang and headed over to see Paul at the EQUIPT booth. He introduced me to Jess Stuhler and after 10 seconds I adapted to his awesome South African accent (good thing I saw District 9 a handful of times) and we were shooting the breeze about my dilema and all things awning. Fom there we bee-lined it to my Jeep so that he could assess the damage and let me know what would need to be done to fix it. The next day, he came by with the new awning arm joint; helped me remove it from the vehicle and got busy on the rivet gun and fixed it for me. After that he went into detail on how to repair the tension spring once it came in. He could have easily just handed off the part to Paul who could have then passed it on to me and said "let me know if you have any questions" and I would have been just fine with that; as I was already beyond thrilled that they went out of their way to begin with. Oh, and to top it all off.... the price tag was GRATIS!!! ...and he gave a cool hat to boot. It made me feel like young Indiana Jones when his rival archaeologist placed the legendary fedora on his head for the first time.
So, in summary... breaking out of my hermit shell and meeting up with other overlanders (The Rendzevous Conspiracy/ American Adventurists) ended up breaking my awning, allowing me to make new friends (from all over the world), restore my faith in superb customer service and bore you all to death who just took the time to read this! Thanks again to Paul and Jess for (as we say in the Naval and Marine Corps service) "going above any beyond" for a nobody like me.