Overland Expo: Prescott, April 24-26


Supporting Sponsor, Overland Certified OC0018
Hope everyone has a great ExPo. A small fleet of NW Overland Society trucks are en route from WA/OR/ID/NV as we type. Wish I could have been with them but am looking forward to hearing the reports. I'm sure it will be a great time.

Cheers! :beer:



Expedition Leader
I'll give you an advance scouting report.

We rolled into town today about noon.

In passing through the square with Scott in one of the ExWest fleet we drove by Lois's 4x4 nosed into a parking space. "That's Lois, she just got to town too," Scott commented.

When we arrived at Overland Journal World Headquarters at One Overland Plaza it looked like the early stages of Overlanding Woodstock. If you haven't already booked a parking spot there, plan on hiking in from down the street. There were so many overland vehicles arriving I felt like I was part of a religious pilgrimage.

The lot was full with a mix of XV-LT and XV-JP Earthroamers, diesel 110 Defenders, various and sundry overland expedition proven 4x4s, ARB demo Jeeps and dual sport bikes. There was enough combined elevation in HiLift jacks to alter the orbit of the moon. If all the winch line would have been spliced we could have pulled the continents back together again.

Admiring the trucks was constantly interrupted with introductions to the Rock Stars of the overland world coming and going like so many bees flitting between the OvEx site and the OJ pilgrimage shrine. I felt like young Annie Leibovitz on tour with the Rolling Stones, mixing with the glitterati.

I felt compelled to make some offerings, light a few votive candles or circle something significant clockwise a few times, but couldn't figure out which vehicle to do the circling around and figured the candles dripping hot wax on the freshly buffed hoods wouldn't go over all that well.

We had to settle for dinner with the high priest and priestess.

And this was just arrival day.

I'm pretty sure it's only going to get better from here on out.

Scott Brady

ooooh, FJ60 Love



Nice tires...

When you are bad, your bad


Expedition Leader

" ... mixing with the glitterati. "

If it concerns overlanding, it is more likely to be the "greaserati" or the "dirtirati."

Y'all behave, hear? :)


Expedition Leader
I didn't take any photos today. I'll try to get some tomorrow.

I'm not going to even attempt to string together 1,000 words to replace a single photo. The campground alone is a mind-altering image.

My initial impressions:
- A genuine gathering of the North American Overlanding Tribe
- Probably the best one-stop-shopping opportunity for overland vehicle platforms / chassis to date in NA. If you are wondering what a particular vehicle really looks like, feels like, compares, etc., then this is the place. Want to see them in action? Stroll the campgrounds.
- Sure wish we could have attended one of these in April 2006 prior to designing and building our rig!

My initial prognosis:
- If the event continues, it will likely become the North American equivalent of Ushuaia, Argentina (southernmost city in the world) at Christmas/New Years when all the European overlanders on the continent gather.


Expedition Leader
Looks like Gary Wescott will be in attendance. From the Expeditions West blog:


Everyone should encourage Gary to build Turtle V replicas!


New member
Oh man, I wish I was there ! Good luck with everything Scott !

Keep does pictures coming...


Can somebody with more knowledge than I, please explain to me what this white Rover is and any info about it please. Thanks in advance.

When you are bad, your bad

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