Overland Expo West 2015


The thing that bothered me most was the no fire signs, there was no fire restrictions in the Coconino forest....I might have stayed it I could have used the fire wood I brought in my own elevated fire ring!


I have no problem camping in the rain and snow. The major problem was the owners of the venue did nothing to mitigate what should have been known problems due to the weather and soil conditions. I knew at least a week in advance what the weather would be but had no idea how miserable camping area would be. I also know due to the enormity of the event it could not have been postponed. Better luck next year! I MIGHT sign up for it again.


We were there Friday at noon til Saturday afternoon. It was damn cold but I blame more my prep level than anything else. It did cross my mind to buy a roof rack and RTT right then and there if install was free ;)

never before have I been so jealous for RTT than setting up and taking down my tent. I did bring an easy-up awning that I used to keep myself dry while putting up the tent underneath. I never extended the awning legs, and the mud kept it firmly stuck to the ground. Breaking camp without getting covered in mud was an experience, thank goodness for my Trasharoo, I folded up the muddy tarp and stuffed it inside, along with my boots, and towels I used to clean the dog's feet.


I always find it interesting that people complain about the lack of luxuries when camping, especially at an Expo attributed to adventure, and camping! I wish I had made it this year, the mud looks fun! When we have attended the Expo in the past, we are always prepared for any weather extremes and bring our own food, shower, toilet. I figured that is what its all about, right? My most memorable hunting, camping, or traveling trips were always the ones with the unexpected! Good or bad, its life and its all an adventure! Thanks Jonathon and Roseanne for putting on a great Expo and putting up with us! I hope to be there next year! Mud or dust!!!


What year is this? interesting that it only has a 2nd row door on one side and not the other. Almost like an older minivan.

It's a 1970. Spent a week in that cool rig a few weeks ago in Baja. License plate is 3DR4X. Owner is 1leglance here on Expo.

Todd Z.


I always find it interesting that people complain about the lack of luxuries when camping, especially at an Expo attributed to adventure, and camping! I wish I had made it this year, the mud looks fun!

no one is complaining about the lack of luxuries...they're complaining about the muddy conditions. it looks fun, but you weren't there....try walking in it back and forth. this was pigsnot mud (think red feather/wellington roads during the monsoon since you're noco). did you see that the camping area had pooling water all over the place? one of the groups i hang with was with a couple with an oztent, which are great tents, but they were in a low area apparently and left because they had an inch of water and mud in their tent. we were in a high spot and my buddy had two mats on top of his oztent floor and still had water seepage.

friday night and saturday morning/afternoon would've been a great day for a recovery class in the camping area since people were having to get pulled out left and right while they tried to bail.

and thanks pheller for the pics of the suburban...my battery card filled up by the time i got around to that and really wanted to see more of it!! it was sexy. love to see the old iron. does anyone know if the dodge in the booth was an original baja truck? i'm guessing yes.


Seriously? I've been going to northern AZ regularly for the last dozen years the one consistency has always been the complete inconsistency with the weather. We were in Flag last year, three weeks before OEXW '14 and it snowed 6" at Mormon Lake and that is why we book a hotel room in Flag every year in the Spring when we go. Three weeks later at the Expo it was near ninety and dusty. Spring time in that area is like that. The organizers did an outstanding job both years that I've been but they can't be blamed for the weather. One thing I know for sure, we'll be back next year regardless of the weather.

Watt maker

Active member
Although we didn't camp, my daughter and I didn't mind the mud. We both brought extra clothes and boots because I had a feeling it would be that muddy. Actually, I would almost rather it be muddy than dusty (we both have bad allergies). I was pumped to just be able to make the event at all. I was at a job training all week so I drove all Friday night to my house to be able to pick up my kiddo and head out early Saturday morning. I'm hoping to camp there next year and bring my wife and other kiddo ( kiddo #2 got sick the night before so momma couldn't come either, which almost held me back too). So, I would like to thank all involved with this event. I will be back.


I always find it interesting that people complain about the lack of luxuries when camping, especially at an Expo attributed to adventure, and camping! I wish I had made it this year, the mud looks fun! When we have attended the Expo in the past, we are always prepared for any weather extremes and bring our own food, shower, toilet. I figured that is what its all about, right? My most memorable hunting, camping, or traveling trips were always the ones with the unexpected! Good or bad, its life and its all an adventure! Thanks Jonathon and Roseanne for putting on a great Expo and putting up with us! I hope to be there next year! Mud or dust!!!

My son and I had a good time in spite of the muck. We left Saturday night mainly because there was little hope for the driving course to reopen. The mud and muck were not good. That field was not good to camp in. There could have been better planning, by the venue and organizers, for this type of weather, but we made the best of it.

Most my equipment is adequate or better for crappy weather. Everyone that was there since Thursday now knows what they and their stuff can withstand.

In the swamp of a campground I saw the best of humanity and the stupidest. The most interesting was 2 wranglers and a taco hauling out the Earthroamer.

My thanks to the organizers for an otherwise good time.


and thanks pheller for the pics of the suburban...my battery card filled up by the time i got around to that and really wanted to see more of it!! it was sexy. love to see the old iron. does anyone know if the dodge in the booth was an original baja truck? i'm guessing yes.

Here's Lance's build thread on his Suburban:


And if you post a picture of that Dodge truck, we may know of its Baja pedigree.

Todd Z.

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