No more complaints, please.
The Expo does not promise perfect weather. Possibly if it did, and you checked the box and paid the $20 dollars for that provision, then you can complain. I have been to every Expo held in Mormon Lake and one down in Amado. I enjoyed them all. Some were warm, some windy, and this one wet. If we waited for the best of weather before we went out, we would not get out of the driveway very often.
We heard that the weather was going to be rough so we opted not to take the bikes on the two day back country trip to get to the Expo. Instead we drove (not as much fun but we still had a great time) and made the best of it.
My hats off to the organizers and to all the vendors. It could have turned out a lot worse but it seemed like most everyone did their best to be upbeat. Rain or shine, count us in again next year and hopefully we will be blessed with great weather and some of us can do a few days on the motorbikes after the event.
PS I too have a very bad knee and need to be careful about where I step, but step out I did and am glad of it.