We completed the Altar Dune crossing, and the Discovery was a champ. The V8 was just enough power and the BFG ATs exceeded my expectations (especially at 12 psi). These were big dunes and over 40 miles long. In total, the trip was just shy of 1,000 miles. Adjusted for my gearing, my best tank was 17mpg and my worst was 10mpg. I never needed the spare fuel, although it was really close in the dunes.
Really proud of my truck and so glad I brought it on this trip.
Here are a few teasers. The full story will be in Overland Journal later this year.
Entering the big dune field
One of the crux sections with a huge windward dune face that dropped off abruptly. Only two of the five trucks didn't high-center. My Disco was one of them, no doubt aided by the ATs and the V8
The dunes run in long bands and there are dozens of bands. A brief moment of respite before entering the next crux. At this point I had aired down to 12psi, which seemed the perfect balance. I never lost a bead on these wheels, which was a concern. We had four MAXTRAX and a PullPal along just in case. For most recoveries (there were many), we used the winches.
After crossing the dunes, we followed the gulf on the new highway and then entered the Pinacate. These Maar craters are incredible.