Phil's Adventure Tacoma


Expedition Leader
What do you guys think of cutting these things off...

I know that will leave hollow openings, but they are useless to me.

Cut em off and either JB weld or 3M 5200 marine adhesive and some smaller pieces of the metal to seal the holes if you wish otherwise smooth the interior and exterior edges with a smooth file.



Yeah, we can cut them off, and IF you want, get some leds, to use as camp lights... and make a block off plate around them.....

And DAMN I look like a fat-*** in those pics.......

I really don't know how I feel about this rack and RTT idea. My mind has been going over time since we put this all together today. I need some time to ask around and then I will post up what I plan to do.....I don't want to piss anyone off. I won't get those cut off until I work out my new plan.

Now that my thought process is working in overtime, I won't be getting a sleep tonight.
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My mind has been going over time since we put this all together today. I need about two weeks to ask around and then I will post up what I plan to do.....I don't want to piss anyone off.

I won't get those cut off until I work out my new plan.

DUDE... its YOUR truck.. The only person you need to worry about pissing off.... is YOU(and Jen[n?]) Even then, I think as long as you are happy with YOUR truck.. she will be cool with it...

Anyway, think of what YOU want. I would find a way to mount a few LED floods for camp lights, on seperate switches... each side, and the rear....

Minimal power draw, and good light...

BUT..remember, its YOUR truck bud.....



2008 Expedition Trophy Champion
Its not the prettiest thing in the world, but it's functional since I can not put any weight on the canopy due to what appears to be a design/manufacturer flaw.

Is there more to the story here? Is it that the canopy can't hold enough of your weight without reinforcement, or something else. Just curious....

Otherwise I think it looks good. Certainly there's an opportunity to smooth out some lines and make it flow better with the rest of the truck, but it's more about the function, right?
7wt has a Leer and his is rock solid! Like Salsataco said, mine is like a Rubbermaid topper.

As soon as I know the plan I will post up more info.

deadbeat son

7wt has a Leer and his is rock solid! Like Salsataco said, mine is like a Rubbermaid topper.

I Like my Leer, but I have the over head storage which makes the roof a little thicker to help with the weight in the bin.

Thanks for the reassurance guys. Mine doesn't have the overhead storage, but it does have an overhead clothes hanger. (I didn't need/want that, but it was part of a package that resulted in a substantial discount.)
Honestly, I made a mistake getting the rack. There is nothing wrong with it, I just I don't think it fits us right. Also, after taking the canopy off for the first time since it was installed, I just don't want it anymore. We really don't need all that space back there for the two of us. Its time to widdle the truck down a bit.

So, where am I going with the truck now? Well as soon as the rack sells, I am going to have something along the lines of this made up. This is p1michaud's old truck or like Scott's old Tacoma.

I contacted Steve at CBI today to see what he thinks. Hopefully, it will be somewhat reasonable and will be done in a reasonable amount of time. It's really a simple design, but with no welding skills of my own and not knowing anyone with equipment I am out of luck.

The RTT comes tomorrow:wings:! Unfortunately, it is useless until this gets made.

I should have done all this past winter. Camping season will be over before I know it.
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Thanks for the reassurance guys. Mine doesn't have the overhead storage, but it does have an overhead clothes hanger. (I didn't need/want that, but it was part of a package that resulted in a substantial discount.)

Definalty check it before it gets put on. Push down on the top.
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