Phil's Adventure Tacoma

gearbox said:
Be prepared for disappointment. "Junk glass" was easy to break probably because it already had structural defects in it. Even safety glass is difficult to break when it is reinforced on all sides by the seals. My buddy couldn't smash his way out of a WRX with steel-toed boots or the aluminum back of a knife. I have since researched it to find out that the strike must be placed near a corner of the window rather than the center, and that a sharpish, hard object should be used. Those window-breaking hammers are useless if not used properly: you can reportedly hit a window dead center with a maul and not be successful, but a well-placed spring-loaded center punch is a winner.

Have you ever tried one of these hammers? By junk glass I meant one still in a door frame. I take it you have never seen that mythbusters episode. Kicking the window did not work, other hard objects did not work (mag lights and the likes), the only things that worked were the safety hammers(which simply broke the glass with one small hit) and center punches which took a little more effort. There designed in such a way to break the window with very little effort.

I'm sorry, but they do work, I have seen them in real life action. Thanks for the input and concern though!:26_7_2:
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ExPo Original
Good info 'freak.

Those are one of those gizmos I always think would be a good idea to have onboard, but I never remember to add to my 'want list'.

Hope you never need it.


New member
I've hit car windows with a sledgehammer as hard as I could, to no avail. I've them popped them with the ball on top of an AM/FM car antenna and had them shatter.

It's related to the concentration of force on a small area, somehow. I never was good at science.

An ASP baton can break a window, but it's not particularly easy. That safety hammer should work very well, it's got a pointed metal tip that applies the force to a very small section of glass.


here is a challenge....take a sledge hammer and try to break a window. Now, when you fail, take an old spark plug, and simply tap it (well a little harder than a tap, but not much) with the ceramic. BOOOOOOOM shattered glass.

haha, hitting it with ceramic is one of the easiest ways to break glass.

but those tools do work VERY well..good investment, esp if it makes the wife fell better too.
I took TacoDocs suggestion and cut my exhaust down. Looks much better then it did before and it is also one less thing to get hung up.

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Just bought my first GPS. . . a Magellan Crossover. I will have to find a place to temporarily put it though when we head to California in April due to there windshield laws.
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Before we head down to CA and after my ID theft problems get fixed I will get one of the NEW All Pro bumpers and their front skid plate.

I like the design and the price is great since it is a new design.

Photograph courtesy of All Pro Off Road

I will have to put off getting a winch though. A little to pricey right now, but I have a hi-lift and enough stuff to turn it into a hand winch if needed. I am also working on gas can mounts for my rack that will go on either side of my kayaks. As soon as they are finished, I will post the pics.
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Expedition Leader
How do you like "the source"? I have been kicking around the idea but would have to mount it laying down in the bed and well, I have just been too lazy to look into it. I am trying to fight the telescope bug but I think that bug may just beat me yet so funds might be lacking for a VERY LONG time!
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7wt said:
How do you like "the source"? I have been kicking around the idea but would have to mount it laying down in the bed and well, I have just been too lazy to look into it. I am trying to fight the telescope bug but I think that bug may just beat me yet so funds might be lacking for a VERY LONG time!

I have not used the tank yet, but it seems quality enough that I could not justify an expensive Advanced Air Systems 15 lb. Power Tank System. Basically with the Power Tank System your getting a really fancy regulator. The Source one is pretty basic, but nothing that will prevent you from easily using it. There are no gauges on the Source Tank.

I did order one of these from Expedition Exchange
Advanced Air Systems Heavy-Duty Tire Inflator (TIG-8200)

Photograph courtesy of Expedition Exchange

I wanted to mount it sideways on the wheel well, but if your going to use it while it's on its side you can't. The tank has to be pretty vertical when it is in use.
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Overland Hadley

on a journey
Streakerfreak said:
I am also working on gas can mounts for my rack that will go on either side of my kayaks. As soon as they are finished, I will post the pics.

Those gas can mounts sound very cool.

The truck is looking good. The bumper is going to be very nice.

Overland Hadley

on a journey
I was thinking about the All Pro bumper, and I had a couple thoughts, mostly comparing it to the ARB.

I like the look of the All Pro compared to the ARB, but I was thinking about the strengh of the bumpers. My friend just had a slow (5 mph) crash in his truck, he was sliding on ice. The estimate to fix it is $6,000.00! The ARB has very strong and reinforced tubing around the grill and lights, I am not sure how strong the hoop around the grill on the All Pro looks. And it has no protection around the lights. But anything is going to be better than the plastic that is on the truck now.

My other thought is that the ARB bumper is tested to be air bag compatible, and I would think the All Pro is not tested. Not sure what that would neccesarilly mean, but air bags are pretty important things. Maybe they would work fine with the bumper and it is nothing to worry about.

Anyway, like I said, I like the All Pro bumper, just had some thoughts about it. I in no way mean to slam the bumper.
Overland Hadley said:
I was thinking about the All Pro bumper, and I had a couple thoughts, mostly comparing it to the ARB.

I like the look of the All Pro compared to the ARB, but I was thinking about the strengh of the bumpers. My friend just had a slow (5 mph) crash in his truck, he was sliding on ice. The estimate to fix it is $6,000.00! The ARB has very strong and reinforced tubing around the grill and lights, I am not sure how strong the hoop around the grill on the All Pro looks. And it has no protection around the lights. But anything is going to be better than the plastic that is on the truck now.

My other thought is that the ARB bumper is tested to be air bag compatible, and I would think the All Pro is not tested. Not sure what that would neccesarilly mean, but air bags are pretty important things. Maybe they would work fine with the bumper and it is nothing to worry about.

Anyway, like I said, I like the All Pro bumper, just had some thoughts about it. I in no way mean to slam the bumper.

I have been going over all this for the past month, until I noticed the new All Pro bumper. I could easily get an ARB, but what's the fun in that. If I was going to go with a beefier bumper I would probably go with a Shrockworks, but at over $1,000, it is just not an option. Personally I really don't need headlight loops and with the introductory price I really can't complain.

Now when it comes to the whole airbag thing, I was reading about the whole airbag testing and how airbags really work. If I can find it, I will post it.
I really don't need as beefy a bumper anyways and would like to save weight where I can, I am about 90% in favor of the New All Pro bumper, so unless the funds come up or I find something that says this bumper sucks, then I am getting it.

Thanks for the comments. It is very helpful in my decisions.
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Dave Bennett


Allpro is in Hemet, not far from me. I have been there and they are nice people who back the products they sell. I recommend them.

That being said, I bought my ARB from them when the truck was almost new. Had Allpro made the plate bumper back then I would have been VERY tempted. I really like the new design and I hear they will be making a rear bumper to match.

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