Picked up another 1st gen Cummins


Wow. You should publish a magazine, every month a different photo spread of one of those Nebraska princesses. Very nice.


I dont know if all these first gen cummins trucks have the same noisy transfercase shifter but I fixed one for a friend about 5-6 years ago and as far as I know it still doesnt rattle. What I did was take the shifter off the big bolt had to pry some reminants of a white plastic bushing out of it I then drilled a hole in the sleve and put a grease zerk in it. I took a bicycle inner tube and cut out a square just slightly wider than the shaft of the bolt and big enough to wrap all the way around it I used a leather punch and put a few holes in the innertube "bushing" so grease could get through assembled it and gave it a few shots of grease.
Clear as mud? I hope you can use the idea if you have rattle shifter. I remember my friend saying he had replaced the white plastic bushing more than once. But the rubber innertube bushing wont wear out. The grease was just to make sure it didnt get hard to shift.






I have used that trick a lot on old chevys with the np 205 and I remember his truck being pretty much the same set up.
Truck looks great those are some very cool pics!


Yes, extremely nice shot. Make sure to crop it down, see what it looks like. If you've got the pixels to get the detail still will probably end up looking freakish...

Truck looks great. Should rattle can your puller too.


Thanks for the compliments guys. Its amazing what a little hard work, some parts, and some love will do to a truck.

As for the lightning pic it did take a while to get it, but it was worth it.

Here it is cropped down a bit.

On another note, Today I did a little labor trade with a guy who needed some pump work done on his 93 D350. In exchange the windows in my dually are now tinted. I went 5% on the back and extended cab windows and went 20% on the fronts and wings. IMO it looks much better now and its nice and dark inside now.

On the dually I did the pump work on I put a 3200 gov spring in it, replaced some seals, gave it a couple twists on the screw, put one of my ground fuel pins in it, and installed a potentiometer to get rid of the factory TPS. I was very surprised at how well it ran afterwards, It was won of the hardest runnin stockish auto trucks I have ridden in, It also ran very clean. The owner was very happy, they usually are.


Heres a few pics with the windows nice and dark.

Well I guess now the big deciscion is to put running boards on or not. And If I do put em on polish em or paint em black???? Decision Decisions





I'm usually very anti running board but duallys throw lots of rocks and they would protect the rockers and dually flare imensly. Its not like this truck will be on any trails. The farthest off road this one will be is in the pits at a truck pull or the like.


Other than the truck being flat black, the lightening picture looks like it could have been a Dodge marketing photo from '93! Very nice. What camera do you use? I've noticed it takes very clear pics, and you mentioned in one of your posts you usually just have a point and shoot with you.


Renaissance Redneck
I'm usually very anti running board but duallys throw lots of rocks and they would protect the rockers and dually flare imensly. Its not like this truck will be on any trails. The farthest off road this one will be is in the pits at a truck pull or the like.

Then they are not senseless. I would have to say try and polish them. It would tie the whole black/chrome thing together. If you do go black, I would use a gravel guard or bedliner. Any paint you try likely won't last long in that usage.

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