So last night me and a buddy were planning on a little trip out to a local lake for a little fishing, jet skiing and some good old R&R and so I could try out the camper. Well anyway just before I'm about to go to bed I was checking our local Diesel crew page on Facebook (I'm an Admin and VP) and our president posts this. "anyone wanna make some money? buddy needs an engine delivered to Laramie tomorrow and the new one brought back tomorrow"
Well who the heck was I to turn down gettin paid to drive through a little bit of Wyoming. I left the house last night and set out for York Nebraska where I was to get said motor. (It was a LBZ Dmax BTW). Got loaded and was west bound for Laramie at 5am I just got home a little bit ago.A little over 1000 miles in about 19 hours. I did however stop to take some pics though.
The truck worked flawlessly, and I will now trust this one to go anywhere. I Filled up in Lincoln before I left and drove 512 miles to Laramie and got 19.25 weighing about 8500 and the return trip I was weighing about 9000 with all the PPE goodies I hauled back along with a fresh LBZ and I got 19.50mpg
Not all these are in order. Some where taken in western NE