seanpistol's 01 Tundra


Beating me to the punch! I can't believe how much bigger that rear area looks without the seats in there. I need to cram my ARB 47L fridge back there AND have room for my dogs. The seats gotta go... Thanks for the sneak peak at the area though, gives me a lot of good ideas!

The sliders turned out awesome. I like the texture too, very subtle. Can't wait to see them mounted up.


Got the passenger side welded on. It was difficult to weld the top portion since the plates are square. Makes it hard to get up there with not much room. One company has a triangular plate to make it easier to weld, can't remember who it was, but if I were to do this again I'd cut the bracket to make it triangular.

finished up after dark so I don't have any final product photos yet.

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It's 64 degrees and raining here, which is more than 30 degrees above normal for this time of year. Went to a nearby spot that is kind of an unofficial offroad park to test the locker out. The main thing I can say about the locker is that I wish I did I sooner. Being able to slow crawl through obstacles and keep traction is invaluable.

A couple poser shots-

Starting my bumper build next weekend. Still debating between 2"x4" or 2"x6" rectangular tubing in 3/16" for the bumper. 2x6 will give me 7" of ground clearance in the rear and make the departure angle significantly better and I'm kind of leaning towards having the bumper be the same 6" height as the license plate. I bought a 2" receiver that I'll integrate, LED license plate bolts, and a rear view camera that will plug right into my head unit. Had a guy on the local 4x4 forums bend me two pieces of 1.75" x .120 wall tubing to use as my rear quarter panel protection. At this point in time I am going to stay with a single tube for quarter panel protection. If I want to add a second, it will be easy to do so later.



Very nice! I loved my ARB opened up a whole new wheelin world. I always want to cut my bed from the rear mud flaps up to the bumper like the first pic. Looks good and gain some clearance. Looking forward to what you do!


Both of those bumpers are SUPER nice. Very close to what I have planned as well. Are you going to taper the cut on the box like the above photos or cut straight back to the flare ala CBI?

Build thread link for that second truck?


Sounds like it's going to be great definitely get some photos and a build thread going when you start getting everything together. Can't wait to see how it turns out!


Looking good. Looks like someone is trying to prep for the trip in spring. :)I'm hoping to prep and plan for that trip.


Both of those bumpers are SUPER nice. Very close to what I have planned as well. Are you going to taper the cut on the box like the above photos or cut straight back to the flare ala CBI?

Build thread link for that second truck?

I'm going for taper and a single tube exactly like this guy's-

There is no build thread for the second truck, just a photo taken from the website of whatever little fab shop built the bumper.

I found some photos of my truck from when I beat out some dents and did some bondo work where I have the flares pulled. I like how it looks. I'm thinking about pulling the flares and rocking the holes. But... It would be easier to make the TRD mud flaps work and I might need then if I trim too much of the back of the rear fender...

Looking good. Looks like someone is trying to prep for the trip in spring. :)I'm hoping to prep and plan for that trip.

I hope you can make it. I'd love to check out everyone's rigs and be tour guided around my backyard by Sean, who undoubtedly knows it better than most. I've never even been to Southern Utah besides driving through in the 8 years I've lived here, sad!


When I trimmed my box it went pretty easy, I cut it a half inch long then folded over with a body work hammer and block. It stiffened up the sheet metal nicely rather than having a ragged edge.




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My electric fan controller took a dump and I'm over the electric fans. Mechanical fan is back on.

I have blown a fuse in them a couple times- usually while towing on a grade and in 4x4, such as dragging snowmobiles though a blizzard... Not sure if it's related or not. A blown fuse is easy to pull over and fix, but since the controller itself has gone out and requires purchasing a new one and rewiring it- I just don't think there are enough benefits from the e-fans to make it worth it to replace the controller. I'd rather sell the fans and shroud and pocket a few bucks. Granted, I had a cheap Chinese single speed controller from Amazon and I always wanted to upgrade to the Flex-a-lite variable speed controller and get it on a switch in the cab, but never did.

When I first installed the fans I thought I was seeing maybe a MPG or two better, but now I think that was more hopeful than anything. I'd rather have the reliability of the mechanical fan than the benefits I never really saw. Just my $.02

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Pulled the flares. I'm always jealous of the great lines 1st-gen Tundras have without them. I'm rubbing the back of the wheel well with 33s at full compression and lock. Thinking a tub job is unavoidable, desirable, and if you're going to do it, do it for 35's.

Going to plug the holes in the fender with this method-

You can see where I need to trim the fender liner more, and right next to that where I'm rubbing the back of the wheel well. You can also see below that where I completely removed my pinch weld. Could be a combination of having new tires with 19/32 tread and having the 1.25" All-Pro spacers with the 4.5" backspacing on the wheels, which would be equivalent to running a 3.25" BS wheel...

Flareless photos-

Loaded and headed to Idaho for the holidays. Bumper build starts Monday. Skid plates as soon as that's done. Then probably nothing else until it warms up in the spring... Headed to Germany to work for a few weeks in January, the per diem itself is good enough to pay for a front bumper and winch- been thinking about the Addicted bumper and adding plate to the top of it and in front of the winch- we'll see.
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