Shower Shelter Showdown

Shower Shelter Showdown: Vote!

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Dave Druck [KI6LBB]
Voted. We use the PETT and dig how the poles are always with it and attached. Also i like how the poles have the quick lock mechanisms and i can take it down in under a minute. It's been in 50 mph winds and it's held the ground just fine with the built in eyelets. A little on the tall skinny side so you do need to watch it even if it's staked...Oh and It folds up nicely too into its pouch, something that is a pet peeve is an item that doesn't fit back in its home because it was pressed in a factory the first time. Like Mario said above, it's a bit tight for a shower but all in all its perfect for us. Been running it 2.5 years now.


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Founder of D.E.R.P.
I have a knock off of the Outback Porta Privy. I like it. Does what it is supposed to do. I haven't tried it in high wind conditions. Check out my recent trip to Death Valley. I have a photo of my set up. The privy is easy to put away when you know how. There is at least one video online showing how to do it. I don't mind the disc shape when the privy is collapsed. I either put it against the walls of the bed or toss it up on top of whatever is in back. Works fine for me.


Expedition Leader
Shelter? Who needs a shelter? Nice thing about showering in your birthday suit, if you do have neighbors they'll think your nuts and you'll soon have plenty of privacy :sombrero:

Dave Bennett

Shelter? Who needs a shelter? Nice thing about showering in your birthday suit, if you do have neighbors they'll think your nuts and you'll soon have plenty of privacy :sombrero:

That might be OK if you're in Saline Valley... elsewhere, not so much :snorkel:


Expedition Leader
I have the outback. It's a great unit as mentioned. I really, needs a fly though. I have that it will get wet when it's raining inside. nobody likes sitting on a wet toilet. The utility pockets inside are also garbage and have torn after a few uses. overall, it's good enough to have an alteration shop make me up a fly. probably do that this summer.


We have the PETT shelter. I think its easy up and down, but I would recommend guyline the corners out and its very stable in the wind. We use it as both a shower & toilet shelter.




I have used the outback porta privy and find it very useful; it has survived 60+ mph wind in OK, KS and was surprised when it was still around in the morning. I agree, that it could use some kind of rain fly and taking it down and putting it away can be a pain but I love it. I also use a luggable loo as my toilet and it works very well and is dirt cheap, I wish it was slightly taller though (It's based on a 5 gallon bucket).

Pete Wilson


lost on the mainland
Anyone have the Cabela unit? I'm curious if it's usable with out the rain fly. Is the top open without the rain fly?

It seem like one that could be set up simply without the fly would be desirable. With the option of adding the roof when desired.

not sure about the simple setup part :) but we use it without the roof all the time its a mesh material so bugs and stuff for the most part stay out
the bottom has this larger rubber mesh and we had these baby spiders get in one time ?

upsides and downsides to built in floor ? upside is stays a bit cleaner in some sense with the pett inside and taking showers its pretty darn clean but the bottom outside gets kinda dirty we have never had it setup in a area where its muddy ? so cant say what would happen then

its not to tough to put up more just time consuming ? 5 minutes or so ? not sure but after a few times its pretty easy and at least for us with the complete family its nice to have the room for longer stays
but the size with kids when you have to be in their with them is nice to have or help them shower etc..
I did want to get a outback one for those quick one night stops but we usually put our pett in the main part of our tent at night for the kids in case they need a midnight potty ? a lot nicer than going out side etc..


Dave Bennett

Now that you have added the Zodi Hut to your possibilities, that was one of the others I have and tested. The third use one of the polls broke 2 sections away from where I was handling, it broke where it was inserted into the connection.

It was low on my list #4 out of 5.

Great feedback, thanks! :coffee:


Originally Posted by FrenchieXJ
Now that you have added the Zodi Hut to your possibilities, that was one of the others I have and tested. The third use one of the polls broke 2 sections away from where I was handling, it broke where it was inserted into the connection.

It was low on my list #4 out of 5.

Just curious, when did you test the Zodi Hut? The reason I ask, I think they just came out with the new (Redesigned) Zodi Hut in 2011. I think they fixed the pole problem.



OverCamping Specialist
Doc, I see you got both items that were high on both polls, same items I have owned for a few seasons now.

I think you will be very happy with both, just do the kitchen faucet sprayer mod to the Zodi, it makes it much better.

Dave Bennett

Have you decided what your using for a head?


The head is actually built in to my FlipPac - a simple Hassock with Wag Bags. Simple and reliable. I can transfer it outside to the new shelter if we want but most likely this will be primarily for showering.

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