Swank Force One
Please carry on, and more pics! 
I was tightening the lugs on Pa_Jeros truck and the lug wrench slipped and so did I. My foot and ankle stayed in place while the rest of my body fell over. When I rolled over I could see my foot was 90 degrees the wrong way and then it snapped back in place. The doctors were amazed that I have been so active on it.@AKClay, how did it happen? Saw your earlier pic and thought "crap, that looks bad".
Had an unplanned get off on a motorcycle back in November, ending up w/ a plate and 6 screws in my left Tibia. Heal up.
Toasty, I'm not getting your pictures, just blue rectangular boxes with question marks in them.
You going to be posting videos? I want to see the one with Pa_Jero walking up that V-notchYeah there seems to be a permissions issue, i've set every picture to public and i've tried re linking every one so far. Only shows up on my computer if i'm logged into Google.
Try this.
Day 1 highlights