Smokin Deal on Hella 500's from


Both sets of mine are SOLD !



I purchased both of Tom's sets. With the engine in my truck fried, I decided to mount these on my car to compliment my IPF's. The Hella 500's seem to compliment the IPF 968's perfectly, they picked up where the 968's left off.



Compared to the IPF's in build quality, the Hella 500's are junk. The IPF's are built much more solid, and I'd be afraid of having the Hella 500's on the roof of my truck. These are great lights for a bumper or some other place where they won't be subject to branches or trees.
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I finally got around to installing one set. I used to have the Hella Black magics in the same place. The Black magics are a better quality light, but they do not have covers and they are bigger. The 500's have a lower profile and fit better in the bull bar. I'll run them here until I get the lights up on the rack. VA state law requires them to have a cover, so these are my best choice for now.


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Heretic Car Camper
The 500's are a thin enclosure. MISF & I were looking at the set that I recently bought from metapoint and concluded that it wouldn't be an easy conversion even if I were so inclined.


I mounted my other set on my other car, seems like Hella has a slight quality control problem....

I have seen this on PIAA too, but not on IPF!

Ya i would have like to get some IPF's but for $79 for four lights thats half the price of just 2 IPF's(depending on where you look). Someday day when i have the money i will replace the Hella's with some HID's. Until than these should do just fine. :costumed-smiley-007


Adventurer has the IPF 968s for about $92 with shipping. They are about the same size as the Hella 500. They are a better light, but double th price. But I've had good luck with the Hella 500s and have two brand new boxes of them sitting on a shelf for some stupid reason. Well, maybe it wasn't stupid. At $38/pair they are sort of disposable. And they are a good light for the money. My wife and 4 year old at the time son really got screwed. They bought some Explorer Pro Comp lights which are about the same size as the 968s and 500s. They paid $74/each for them two Christmases ago. And the quality isn't any better than the Hellas. I run them because my son picked them out for me for Christmas. But I get angry every time I look at them because they were so overpriced.


Adventurer has the IPF 968s for about $92 with shipping. They are about the same size as the Hella 500. They are a better light, but double th price. But I've had good luck with the Hella 500s and have two brand new boxes of them sitting on a shelf for some stupid reason. Well, maybe it wasn't stupid. At $38/pair they are sort of disposable. And they are a good light for the money. My wife and 4 year old at the time son really got screwed. They bought some Explorer Pro Comp lights which are about the same size as the 968s and 500s. They paid $74/each for them two Christmases ago. And the quality isn't any better than the Hellas. I run them because my son picked them out for me for Christmas. But I get angry every time I look at them because they were so overpriced.

The IPF's are definitely better than the hellas in quality. The hella's, well; you can tell it's only a $40 light. On my '92 I have the IPF 968's and the Hella 500's and the light output is great. Just the IPF's alone I'm not impressed with, and just the Hellas alone I'm not impressed with, but pair the two together, and they have a good light output.

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