Wiring Question on Hella 500's?
Hello Hella 500'ers.
I just completed my wiring and no light. I'm hoping someone can shed a little light on my situation. Let me summarize what i've done, (I believe I have followed the directions but???)
2003 Tacoma DC.
I'll summarize by wire:
Relay wires:
Blue - Grounded
Black - Runs to Hella 500's
Red - Runs to Battery
Yellow - Runs to Switch
Yellow - Recieved from Relay
Green - Runs to hi beam wire on passenger side, (Wire tested with voltage meter. Showed voltage only when Hi Beam was on)
Blue - Gounded to seat bolt, (just until I mount the switch)
Hella 500's
Grey - Grounded to brush guard
Black - Received from relay
Other info:
1 - the directions show 2 ways to wire the switch
A - Yellow, Green, Blue, (top to bottom) on diagram on top
B - Green, Yellow, Blue, (top to bottom) on lower 2 diagrams.
2 - The indicator light on the switch does not illuminate on when lights are on hi or low.
3 - I am assuming that the switch bottom has the indicator light???
I have a voltage indicator, but not sure what should have voltage, (I really know nothing as far as electricity goes).
Any advice/suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.