So I'm buying a van...


can't help but wonder if he's reading this thread. :coffeedrink:
Not your concern, people get overly emotional about their rigs, time, money, effort, these things all come into play for the seller, for you it is dollar and sense, (not cents) the dollars have to make sense and they just don't on this bus. Move on, it is not worth the mental anguish you are causing yourself!!! Buy the already built Sprinter that was listed for $9999, if it is in Tampa Fly into Orlando and have him come pick you up at the airport or if need be I can get you and drive you over.


Expedition Leader
Is there something keeping you from shopping these vans around the nation?

I've bought several vehicles (6 of my 10 and many in the past) that I had to travel to get. Sometimes the deals just aren't where you are located. For example, the popularity of the Vanagon in the Seattle area drives up local prices! Sprinters for example are all over the place in Florida so cheaper there!


Is there something keeping you from shopping these vans around the nation?

I've bought several vehicles (6 of my 10 and many in the past) that I had to travel to get. Sometimes the deals just aren't where you are located. For example, the popularity of the Vanagon in the Seattle area drives up local prices! Sprinters for example are all over the place in Florida so cheaper there!

i feel like i'd need to be 100% sure it's what i want and i haven't found that (yet). the issue with the one sprinter jb1rd posted is the sideways bed. maybe not a big deal, i don't know. but i tend to operate on gut feelings and i haven't had a good one about any of them yet. it also feels like a hassle, i hate flying, and i have to find a dog sitter which i only do when necessary (usually save those for multi-days). my housemates aren't as into the idea of dogsitting as i'd like them to be. :) and i don't have her for the road trip back so I would rush that. maybe once i've honed in on exactly what i want, the traveling idea will be more appealing.


Expedition Leader
....also keep in mind the very heavy love and bias towards Vanagons on that site. The love blinds many of them from reality about working on them. :coffeedrink:


....also keep in mind the very heavy love and bias towards Vanagons on that site. The love blinds many of them from reality about working on them. :coffeedrink:
was going to mention the same thing!! Use your head first then your heart can follow, not the other way around.


ya know, i thought this thread would be a couple of pages. Not 40 :coffeedrink:

owner has dropped in on my samba thread.


and i'm hitting the road tomorrow (just for the weekend), without said van, and we're going to chat more on monday.

i figure some boating, camping, and friends will help me clear my head.


Expedition Leader
Yeah, I'm on "The Samba" too....have you met my Aussie "Samba" (seriously, his name is "Samba"):coffeedrink:


If I'm reading you correctly, you love to paddle, not work on old VWs!? The "goal" here is to travel and paddle, not camp along the road until your van is fixed and your wallet drained?!
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I wouldn't say to completely trust a mechanic doing an inspection either. They can have ulterior motives. The one time I took a car for a pre-sale inspection, they wanted to replace things the car didn't even have. I've never had a good experience at a repair facility.

Going from a Yaris, you've gotten used to a vehicle being very easy to own. It completely spoils you. Going to just about any kind of van is probably going to be a pretty frustrating ownership experience.

It might sound romantic to own something with a cult following but for someone used to a car that just always works, it's not. Being in a strange place with a broken vehicle is not fun at all. It's usually downright scary. Some may be able to laugh about it but the overwhelming sentiment is: "now, what do I do?" Situations like that are enough to make you question your entire plan.

I agree that 16k is an awful lot of money, especially for an old VW. Sure, everybody wants one, and people pay crazy amounts for them but you're shopping for your home and transportation, not for a hobby collection. Most everyone has a fond memory about an old VW but many also fondly remember the day someone took it off their hands for them. My Dad owned several VW busses in his earlier years. Now, seeing one practically makes him shudder, thinking of the number of times he was white-knuckled at the wheel or how he couldn't find a solid enough jack point to change a tire. He just shakes his head when he sees what they're going for now.

I strongly recommend putting reliability and ease of ownership near the top of your priority list (are you sure you don't want a Toyota truck?).
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awww, what a cute pup! yeah my goal is to travel and paddle :) still like the van though and i think there will be issues with anything.


Expedition Leader
In 30 years of travel I've only broken down once in a place I wanted to be. (And it was 10 hours round trip from the town and took us 5 days to repair). All the other breakdowns (30?)were the farthest from anywhere I ever wanted to "hang out"!!!

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