Spy photo of new AT Trailer


Martyn said:
We value what you all have to say, the good and the not so good. So long as we remain truthful and respectful of one another we remain strong as a community.

Oohh yeah well I hate AT b/c they are the best and b/c no other US based trailer company in the US can come close to there trailers :xxrotflma . And I also hate how the folks at AT are willing to share there knowledge with us :xxrotflma But seriously the only thing about AT I hate is that I can't afford one of ther trailers. But hey thats not there fault. So I say congrats to all of you at AT for a job well done. I mean afterall people on this forum gripe that there is not enough US based offroad trailer manufactures ----> and I agree but you have to ask yourself these two things 1)- can you build one...if so go for it AND 2)- If you can't why not buy a AT???

Ohh and thanks Martyn for the reply. You will be hearing from me when I have the $$$.



I am very impressed when big company folk, sit down and shot the bull with the lil guys. Offer up advise to keep dangerous stuff off the roads, etc etc. It's very rare in this day and age to see this. I think what Mario and his folks do is great. My best advise to the folks is BUY AMERICAN, buy AT. I'm in the same boat as most, I want one, but I can't afford to spend that kinda $$ on it at the moment. When I do you can be sure it'll be an AT.


Martyn thanks for taking the high road. I don't know you and have not bought any of your stuff (yet). However, I do value and respect your candid and open approach. I've directed other more defensive vendors to your posts as a guide for how to interact on the forum. Continued success...

Now let’s all stop hijacking this thread so Martyn will have time to post updates on the new trailer! We eagerly await new pics, timeline, and progress???


Expedition Leader
:roost: No truer words were ever spake

I have bought some items from AT, but only after talking to Martyn and observing Martyn/Marios actions, on this forum-for months

I have and will buy from them, even though the prices are cheaper in other BIG corperations-these guys are common sensed, honest,will lend an ear an shoulder for problems and not only deserve, but will get my TOTAL support

On another point, I kinda figure where you went for that week in the Sierras Martyn and I'll be heading up there next Wednesday, I'll wave to you as I pass Truckee (always get gas at the 76 station), then up to the LAKES BASIN including Meadow lake:)hehe:)

I've got to try out my new fishing boat, although it's getting pretty late in the season,. but next year when the first snow breaks-:jump: :suning:

Glad your back-Good Day Martyn



lost on the mainland
Martyn to bad we could not have hooked up when I was up in Tahoe :(
but since we ended up going down the road a bit more and you were packing for your trip :) next time

I will say AT seems like a rocking company even though I own a conqueror he has been more than helpful on the phone a few times and he has some great products I want to get my hands on like the LED lights

Martyn and AT guys a big shaka to ya guys


Supporting Sponsor, Overland Certified OC0018
Honu said:
Martyn to bad we could not have hooked up when I was up in Tahoe :(
but since we ended up going down the road a bit more and you were packing for your trip :) next time

I will say AT seems like a rocking company even though I own a conqueror he has been more than helpful on the phone a few times and he has some great products I want to get my hands on like the LED lights

Martyn and AT guys a big shaka to ya guys

Thank you for your comments.

Shame we couldn't meet up when you were in Truckee/Tahoe. We ended up doing 5 days remote camping, but that's for an other post.

T- Bone

GeoTracker90 said:
Ok, teaching moment...

Using the search feature of this forum we conduct a search for "Cub" and this results page is displayed.

We can then start looking at the threads and see what the referance was. If we look at the second search result for Cub we can scroll through and find that our search term is highlighted in red where ever it appears in the discussion.

Now lets do the same exercise with the term "patent." Again our second search result is the Horizon Trailer COPYCAT discussion thread. Feel free to scroll through and find the mentions of patent in that thread. It makes for some interesting reading. There is discussion on what patent infringement is as well as some definitions of what a copy is.

Now if there is any question as to what my thoughts are on the state of the expedition trailer market in the USA please read my response here in that same COPYCAT thread. Pay special attention to my summary and also remember that I am currently building a trailer for fellow Expo member TheGillz.

One last note about patents. As I understand it they are only as good as your ability to persue people who infringe on them. So if I hold a patent for some whiz bang gizmo and another company decides that hey that is a good idea and I can make money by ripping off that design, well if I don't have the money to fight it in court, or to collect the evidence to fight it in court then my patent doesn't do me a lot of good. Additionally if I understand things correctly there are some patents that have a limited life span and expire after X amount of time.

To get around this some companies use closly guarded "trade secrets" instead of patents to protect their product. An example of this is the Pepsi and Coke rivalry. In recent memory there was criminal action brought to bear on an employee of one of these companies that was trying to sell trade secrets to the rival company.

Another company that uses trade secrets to protect its product Crocks. The recipe that they use to form the material for their footwear has not been patented. If it was patented then all of their competition could see the recipe and change it just enough to work around the patent. How many companies do you see selling similar products to Crocs? They may have the same design and look but a different name. In addition to the trade secret of how the material is made Crocs also holds some patents and they are currently fighting to defend them.

If the above research helps fail to give the results that you are looking for you could always follow some really good advice that I recently recieved. It is as follows:

You may even want to email him to ask, sometimes the brazen approach is best.

I appreciated that little bit of insight that I recieved, and as it implies sometimes if you have a question it is better to go straight to the source and ask your question.

This is all probably more than you wanted to know so I had better stop now.

Lesson concluded... now where are the updated pictures? Any one? Any one?

If you spent as much time making sure your links worked as you do "ranting", I might have gained the "wisdom" you use to argue your point.
Thanks for the "crocs" knowledge.
I have seen your build. Bulletproof. Like a Tank. What are they pulling it with? An Abraham's?
We have wasted enough web space. Feel free to PM me.

Mods feel free to ban me. I'm not sure this board is going any further than pirate4x4!

T- Bone

jcbrandon said:
I think it is going a different direction than pirate4x4.com. And I suspect it will go a lot farther.
I hope it will achieve more!
Well almost anyway. I don't look forward to seeing SUV's full of screaming kids on the good trails. They used to be a secret. With the advent of capable trailers I may be subject to old diapers left on the trail.
I am less than optimistic.


T- Bone said:
I hope it will achieve more!
Well almost anyway. I don't look forward to seeing SUV's full of screaming kids on the good trails. They used to be a secret. With the advent of capable trailers I may be subject to old diapers left on the trail.
I am less than optimistic.
That image is way out of line with the mind set on this site.
If that is the tone you want to take I think perhaps you should read a bit more and post a bit less until you have been around for a while. It's obvious you do not understand the culture here, take time to learn and become part of the community before you make inflammatory post please.


rusty_tlc said:
That image is way out of line with the mind set on this site.
If that is the tone you want to take I think perhaps you should read a bit more and post a bit less until you have been around for a while. It's obvious you do not understand the culture here, take time to learn and become part of the community before you make inflammatory post please.
Just checking to see if I regret hitting the post button.



T- Bone said:
I hope it will achieve more!
Well almost anyway. I don't look forward to seeing SUV's full of screaming kids on the good trails. They used to be a secret. With the advent of capable trailers I may be subject to old diapers left on the trail.
I am less than optimistic.

Dude, you are bringin' me down, go have a few :beer: and chill out!


rusty_tlc said:
That image is way out of line with the mind set on this site.
If that is the tone you want to take I think perhaps you should read a bit more and post a bit less until you have been around for a while. It's obvious you do not understand the culture here, take time to learn and become part of the community before you make inflammatory post please.

:iagree: :iagree:

edit: Can we start a new "Spy Photo" thread since this one seems to have been hijacked?
Last edited:


Supporting Sponsor, Overland Certified OC0018
T- Bone said:
I hope it will achieve more!
Well almost anyway. I don't look forward to seeing SUV's full of screaming kids on the good trails. They used to be a secret. With the advent of capable trailers I may be subject to old diapers left on the trail.
I am less than optimistic.

Thankfully the demographic group that buys capable off-road trailers don't seem to want to spoil anyone else's fun. They are responsible "Tread Lightly" types, who enjoy camping in remote areas, good trails, and respect the great outdoors.

I count among my friends the children of trailer owners who are being brought up to respect nature and their fellow travelers. They are being introduced to what we love so much at an early age.

There are no secret trails that only a few have the right to travel, at least that is true in most of the West where huge tracts of public lands exist.

Be happy to share your love of the outdoors with others, and help the next generation understand why it is so special. If you need your own personal space drive the extra mile where others may not care to follow.


2007 Expedition Trophy Champion, Overland Certifie
So to get back on topic.....
I really need the new Adventure Trailer Clamshell...
I really need some kind of trailer to get the wgt off my truck and to make my mobility issues less of an issue...
I really need a trailer to show others (like a wheelchair guy I spent 2 hours talking with last night) how they can get out and enjoy the backcountry....
I really need a trailer to handle the extra get I carry to do driver & recovery training for Disabled Explorers or for the Ride-Alongs...
I really need a trailer before the Expo Trophy...
I really need a trailer before SEMA...
But like I said at the first the only trailer I really WANT is the new Adventure Trailer Clamshell....

So again to pull us back on topic...
ETA on prototype?
ETA on pictures?
Expected empty wgt?
Expected loaded wgt with fridge,fuel, water?
Expected base price...or at least a ballpark number?
Can I put down a deposit to secure a place in line?
Can I come to the shop and help, hey I only work 3 days a week as a RN so a day to drive to Socal and a day to drive back still leaves me a couple of days a week to help :)

On a serious note I really think trailers are going to be a big part of the market before too long and knowing the quality of Adventure Trailers I would rather spend the money now before the market drives the price up higher.

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