With one drive per wheel out the window, I'd say at this point, just get back to basics. If I were to build something like this right now today, I'd go with the Tatra. That transaxle has a single power input point, and that's very sexy from a modular design POV. That transaxle gives you a well-proven modular transaxle drive train with a well-proven modular suspension.
Well - I hope I have Bio re-consider and at least have some specialist e-drive engineer friends run the numbers before kicking out hub drives!
As it is - weight already creeping up and with Bio's latest fantasy (retractable double decker!) you might seriously consider to go back to TATRA and/or MAN/KAT chassis.
Now, to drive that puppy, you can use a single large drive motor, which eliminates a whole lot of complexity in drive control systems. I'd say something like:
Well - then just forget about the serial hybrid all together, give BOSCH a call and integrate their parallel hybrid!!
At the end it is all about the re-gen braking anyway (...on a long distance vehicle)
Part of the attraction of a serial hybrid is, that you CAN get rid of ALL of the transmissions!!
IF you keep the complete TATRA drivetrain - you are just adding the in-efficiency part of generating e-power to run the same-old-same-old with a e-motor!!
You lose twice! (generating loss and using loss) Might as well keep the Diesel drive a trans and transfer....
I think you cannot get any lower in motor count than on/per axle before you lose all advantages of the hybrid idea....
Now, Bio - what you have in mind regarding "multi-story apartment buildings" - .....I don't see this flying in the Explorer/Overlander environment.....
Even in the RV/Camper-camp you won't find many....
You see - first: HOW much head-room do you want to feel comfortable? Consider, that Terraliner not only will cruise on the Chinese/Tibetian High Plateau or NE-Siberia in winter, but also Africa, India, Oz, S-America and many times you will have HEAT, lot's of it! NOTHING worse than a ceiling falling on your head when it's hot!! I am 1.87m - and there is loads of folks that are taller. I would want at least 50 cm space over my head - so a floor-ceiling height of 2.40m would be great - that alone will leave your Terraliner close to 4m tall!!
Then - you are in a 2.2m wide box (max! rest goes into the walls!)! Now - if you put another floor on top - we end up being close to 6.5 m tall!!
To access the top floor you need to climb stairs - everytime! ...and fairly steep ones at that or you will lose some serious floor-space!
and then you want to lose the Slide-Outs???
[btw - I would prefer e-drive on the slide-outs to hydraulics - you can do jack-screw, toothbar and gear or even cable-winch or chain-drive.....- just remember to make it with a MANUAL back-up]
Mate - you want wide open spaces, but change the available volume into two narrow Hallways?!!
Sorry - I lost you Bio!
Seriously - WHAT do you want to place on top?? Bed-rooms, Living room, observation platform?
When you go to bed you WON't be looking out much - but every time you need to visit the loo - you got to climb down (or do you want the toilet on the upper floor too, and the shower - more stair-work again!! I believe your sample-target clients will be happy, that you provide their daily workout too! (Remember the elderly retired couple?)
Living room on an explorer is also mostly the dining room - where to you put the kitchen - top floor? .....or are we carrying the food up and the dishes down?
Observation platform - you will only observe when the weather allows it - so why not going outdoors and use the terraliner roof mounted (and if you wish extendable observation platform)
Look - Will Smith, and co. are NOT going exploring and overlanding with their rolling mansions.
Expo rigs are sales tools NOT exploring and overlanding tools....( ....and are mostly EMPTY space when not in use)
Frankly I predict that you will not sell a single Terraliner if this is the only configuration you provide!
As a client I would look towards max comfort - high ceilings - ample space, NO stair climbing (on a Explorer like Terraliner it is enough to have to get in an out - that's enough climbing!! (...as mentioned before I drove a Renault Magnum for a while - getting in an out was quite an exercise compared to the rest of the fleet!)
What I would do is, incorporate a lift-roof with fabric sides over the bedroom (like Wotahelizatt's) to enjoy the breez when the weather and location is favorable - and concentrate on maximizing Slide-out space/utility - which gives you also visually a bigger room.
With Slide-outs you can create them so, that you at least can use the installations even when they are retracted.
Unless you only want to create a lot of empty space on top - HOW are you going to pack everything.
With Slide-outs you are basically moving your installations horizontally out to create space.
This does NOT work vertically - I mean you can create huge space above your head, but I can't picture how you would be able to use anything from the upper space if the thing is retracted (or if everytying is installed on top - how to use your installations on the 1st floor.....
For your newest idea - you WILL need outriggers!! (a completely un-necessary weight and space waste in my book) and you STILL will feel the strong winds shaking you up on top (and the bottom floor for that matter)
Bio - I understand your Art-"Affliction", but in the end you try to invent a technical piece of equipment for a specific use.
Maybe you should try to start with the practical first and see how you make it artsy?!!
My arguments above are just the very first ones that come to mind....
If I need a special observation platform - I build it on top!
[This is just like a "Tree House Romance" - I love them, I love to look at them or visit one, but they are just so utterly useless and impractical!!
Terraliner will not just be a weekend or vacation retreat (or art statement) - you are planning to make it the actual HOME for someone for a EXTENDED period of time and a mean machine to go awsome places (...or so I thought)!
Bio admit it - you had dinner with Luigi just before you came up with this one!!!:friday:
(.....the Colani Luigi guy.......)