Texas to Alaska to Texas. 2020 Honda Accord Hybrid driving on the Dalton Highway and the Dempster Highway. July/August 2023.

I like this and had to stop to take some pictures.




Great 7 hours drive today. Driving the speed limit of 65 mph on this road, my Accord does great with gas mileage. It is very helpful when the price of gas is very high in these parts of the country. So, I like that the speed limit is only 65 mph here in Canada and most of Alaska. That just means my hybrid will be doing great at saving gas.

The first stop today in Dawson City was a visit to the Alaskan Highway sign. I took pictures, and suddenly tons of other tourists started showing up. It was a very friendly environment as people were greeting each other and sharing travel stories and even phone numbers.
I met some great people and took pictures with some. I even got a man and his son who invited me to stop at their house in Palmer, and they would take me out to lunch.
I met and talked to some other tourists going to Alaska and all the way to Dead Horse. A couple from Oklahoma and another couple from Ontario. And then there was a 21 year old guy from Gemany who has been in the US since last year and is touring the whole of USA and Canada. I got to talk to a biker who just got back from Dead Horse and is on his way back home to Utah. We took a group picture; the biker, the 19 year old and the husband of the couple from Ontario.








Next street over is Mile Marker '0' of the Alaskan Highway.




And this last picture, seeing you can locate the Alaskan Highway sign and the Mile Marker '0' sign. I was happy to get both in the same picture.
The next stop was a visit to the Kiskatinaw Curved Bridge. The posted sign says it is closed, but it simply means closed to the flow of traffic on it.

It is open for people to visit it. I went there and had a great time walking back and forth on the bridge and taking a lot of pictures. Here are some of the pictures I took of the bridge.







I was going to say the same thing due to the numbers on the side of the car. You beat me to it.
I bought my Accord brand new in 2020. 3 months later I decided to go on a long road trip where I was going to be driving a lot on Route 66. So, I decided to put stickers of the number 66 on my car. Also, I have my CB radio that I always put on my car for any road trip.

During that road trip, I got a lot of compliments about how my Accord looks. Many people asked me if my Accord was a special edition or if I was on some kind of race or if I race the Accord on the track. Others said it sure is a conversation starter. Well, anybody who talked to me about it said it looked good and they have never seen one like that. I personally like the way it looks.

The plan had been to take it off after that road trip. But its been almost 3 years now and it is still on my car. Even on this trip right now, I still get compliments and questions about it. So, I had already decided the numbers will stay on the car till God knows when. I just consider it now that the car came like that.


Active member
…I decided to go on a long road trip where I was going to be driving a lot on Route 66. …

But its been almost 3 years now and it is still on my car... I just consider it now that the car came like that.
I thought something like that. (y)
They'll make it easy to keep a lookout for you when you pass through my neighborhood, too. This state is the smallest town I've lived in. Don't be alarmed if you're waiting in line somewhere and get poked in the shoulder.
The highlight of my trip today was meeting this guy called Michael.

I first saw Michael on a YouTube video where a YouTuber who was driving on this same Alaskan Highway saw Michael walking and so pulled over and talked with him. Well, here I was doing 65 mph going down a hill and into a curve when I saw someone on the side of the road setting up his tent with no car or motorcycle around. I instantly thought of the guy I saw in the video. I immediately pulled over and made a quick u-turn and went and parked next to him.

Very pleasant guy. Michael has been walking for 3 months now. We had a great time talking. Someone I had never met in my life before. Very pleasant guy. He told me a lot about himself and told me his website is www.marchofthewarroir.com. He is walking for mental health awareness. I supported his cause right there by giving him some money. He has a GoFundMe on his website to help support his cause.

He walks for hours and hours everyday and just pitches his tent when it is time to go to bed. He told me he was attacked by a bear 3 days ago trying to steal his food.Very interesting guy. That made my day.

I bid him farewell and safe journey as I continued on my way. I asked if I could take some pictures with him. He said sure!

I drove from Dawson Creek to Watson Lake. Absolutely no cellphone service during my drive. I did not like it. If someone has an accident or a breakdown on this stretch of road, it would be a really long time before you get any help, so drive very carefully on this road. There are very few cars on the road. Very limited services also. There were times I was the only one on the road for like an hour. The road felt pretty lonely and scary, but I loved it very much. There were tons of bikers coming from Alaska. A ton of camper vans and RVs were going to or coming back from Alaska. Almost zero private cars like mine on the road. I saw a lot of bison on the side of the road. I saw a small brown bear, but he ran away when I tried to pull over.

Other attractions I stopped at on my drive today.
Sign Post Forest and Muncho Lake. These are very beautiful places to visit and walk around. Must do on the Alaskan Highway.

Sign Post Forest








Muncho Lake


I drove from Watson Lake to Haines Junction today. Here are some pictures I took al9ng the way today.
I think Alaska is a bucket list destination for many people by road. I mean, I started counting these bikes today, coming from Alaska, and I stopped counting after 35. I was like, wow. Why are so many bikers taking a pilgrimage to Alaska, or what is there that so many bikers are going there to see? Well, I will find out when I get there.

I then went to Whitehorse and stopped to see the SS Klondike






I took this one in the town of Teslin in the Yukon Territory. I really like how the color pops. It was instant attraction to my eyes.

And this was where I stayed. I did not know that in 1955, cars like this cost only $2,000. Wish they were still this cheap.


Active member
I took this one in the town of Teslin in the Yukon Territory. I really like how the color pops. It was instant attraction to my eyes.

Tlingit art tends to be very vibrant like that, and generally only in those three colors, red, blue, and black (at least as I've run into).
I would guess that's Sherwin Williams, but this article gives an interesting historical description of color in Northwest art. It describes a green also used, but again, any Tlingit work I've seen was just in those three.


Trying to escape the city
Great pictures! They're definitely making me want to get a trip on the books. I really have a hard time understanding the mentality of those who can easily camp in bear country, especially after an encounter. Nothing against it! Either you're brave, smart, savy, or misjudging a couple of things. lol Whatever it is, I'm too scared.


Well-known member
Great pictures! They're definitely making me want to get a trip on the books. I really have a hard time understanding the mentality of those who can easily camp in bear country, especially after an encounter. Nothing against it! Either you're brave, smart, savy, or misjudging a couple of things. lol Whatever it is, I'm too scared.
That is interesting. It doesn't bother me at all but if people are around then I struggle to sleep if in a tent.

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