Toyota now


I would still buy another Toyota in a second! My girlfriend drives an 07 Corolla and it is an excellent car. I blame the problems on over-engineering. Too many things to break in the newer vehicles. That's why I want an older landcruiser or 80's Toyota pickup. Reliable, damn near indestructible, relatively cheap and easy to work on!:smiley_drive:


Well-known member
Not concerned, and would buy another Toyota.

It's not the first ever recall of vehicles on American soil, fer cryin' out loud. It's not the first "investigation" into a car company.

I can even recall several years back of another company's problem with sudden acceleration. There's also been bad tires, rollover problems, and let us not forget explosions and fire upon a rear end collision....that was back in the day, if your long enough in yer tooth to remember that one!


Automotive ADHD is fun!
Personally, I feel that Toyotas have for some time carried a price premium that came not from superior engineering and quality so much as a superior reputation when compared to Nissan or Mazda. Compared to a similarly priced Maz3 or Sentra (heck - even the new Lancer), the Corolla is unrefined, plasticky, and lacking in features and luxuries. It is also one of the most unstable cars in its price bracket, especially at the 80+mph range.

I believe that this current issue has the potential to wake up a powerful company that spent two decades developing a commendable reputation and then decided that it could ride the momentum of that reputation rather than compete on price and innovation. They gave technological advancement to Subaru, they gave sportiness to Mits and Mazda, they gave refinement to Honda, and they gave value to Nissan and the Koreans. All they're really left with is a name that is currently being dragged through the mud by a sensationalistic press desperate to watch a mighty giant fall before a public that thinks this is just another reality TV show.

I have repeatedly mentioned that I would never own a Toyota. This has nothing to do with my opinion on their quality - I always recommend them to friends. I just am not a fan of how they feel for me. I hope they see this as a wakeup call and go back to the sort of innovation and competitiveness that brought us the MR2, the FJ60, and the Pickup - three vehicles that, 20 years after production ceased are still considered benchmarks in their respective classes.
I was at my local Toyota dealer today to pick up a CV/axle. I could not believe the offers they have right now! 1.9% on used Taco's!! They have a new tricked out TRD in the parts area with tons of after market stuff on it for 29,000! and low financing. Wished I had the bucks and a didnt have to pay for my daughters college!! I would be all over my third Toyota! First truck (1989) was sold with 192,000 second current truck has 250,000 (2000). Next truck will be diven just as much! As for losing value? I dont care I will drive it for at least 12 years! Vehicle value is overrated! It is and always will be a depreciating asset if you own it out right and a liability if you owe!


I think Toyota has lost it's way for a little while now. That being said, I think after this they will find their "way" again in short order. Unlike domestic auto manufacturers who are just now finding out how to build something of quality, Toyota has a long history of doing it.
Yeah, I'll still stand behind Toyota.


Thornton Melon's Kid
Being I live in mid-MI, the heart of GM country. I here it constantly on the news. I just figured it was the media around here just kicking them when they are down. Someone brought it up to me at work last night. I explained to them how my truck isn't included. Then I explained the rusty-frame bit; the frame is guaranteed for 15 years now and if it was found to be bad they either replaced it or bought the truck back at 1.5x of KBB. I never heard of GM, Chrysler or Ford doing anything like that.

Then a co-worker brought up the fact that GM's big boss was approved for a $9M bonus. Tell me that wouldn't take care of a couple worker's pensions. I don't hear of any of the foreign manufacturers doing that kind of outrageous bonus.

Would I buy a new Toyota? Probably not. I haven't yet nor do I plan on ever buying another new car. I did it once, my WRX, and that was enough. You lose too much $$ if you decide you don't want to keep it forever.

If Toyota had a press release announcing a 4 cyl. diesel crewcab Hilux straight-axle f&r 4x4 with only PW, PL, cruise & air I would be at the dealer ordering.


I thought my 05 Tacoma was trash, but it was still better than my friends frontiers, rangers, and jimmys. I still think they have a ways to go to catch up in the full size market, but they got there late. I just wish I had the money for one right now because they are cheap. I just hope this little bump will help them step it up to a whole new level.


New member
I can comfortably say that I will probably only own Toyotas. This recall problem is only going to be a bump in the road like someone already said. The media blow-up is questionable b/c the gov't/UAW and Government Motors see it as a chance to stick it to Toyota that will hopefully drive more people to get into "domestic" vehicles. I'm thinking this situation and very attractive incentives could get me in a Toyota showroom sooner than later to replace my wife's vehicle.

While everyone is up in arms about the recalls... what about the billions of dollars we the people gave to GM and Chrysler that we'll never see again?


my family has 2 corollas and a camry, currently, and they aren't phased in the least bit by all this recent controversy. they will continue to buy more toyotas, no questions asked.

i don't see toyota being hurt too badly from this press fiasco.

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