"TrailTop" modular trailer topper building components


Expedition Leader
Hi Jeff! Wondering if there are plans to the "trail dog" trailers I can buy? cheers Nigel, Sydney Australia

I was working on a "TrailTop Design and Construction Guide" book which would explain how to use the various TrailTop components and would include plans for a number of the concepts in this thread, including the TrailDog. I had planned to finish the book when/if the TrailTop components went into production. Since the TrailTop parts aren't in production, I haven't completed the book yet. Probably wouldn't make sense to release the book if the TrailTop components aren't available :).


New member
Just stumbled across this thread on Pinterest. It's a great idea using a utility trailer as a base for a removable trailer box. I have done the same. Been working on this for some time. Mine is used more for on road than off road, but so far after 2 years it's working awesome. Still finishing out the inside. Pictures of my build can be found here if interested. icloud.com/sharedalbum/#B02G6XBubsGgoc


New member

Yea, that's the idea I am aiming for... Except, I was really hoping to stay light weight... But with all the bracing and all, all that wood is starting to add up and quick. That's why I turned to you, to see if we could develop some fiberglass wall panels kinda like how you done the dinoot trailer with the camper part on it...?

So how are you going to take it off or install it? Dragging doesnt seem to be a very good method!!


Expedition Leader
So how are you going to take it off or install it? Dragging doesnt seem to be a very good method!!

You asked dcollier32 but I'm not sure he's around anymore, in 2014 he abandoned his trailer project for family reasons. So I'll give my answer...

Technique used by the ancient Egyptians to move campers off their landscape trailers:


Only in this case probably only one person is required, and instead of logs I'd use long dowels, perhaps closet poles. Lift each end of the camper module off the bottom of the landscape trailer deck enough to insert closet poles and roll it out.

I'm not an ancient Egyptian, but that's what I'd do ;).



PVC pipe works well to move a camper.I bought a 4wc that needed work about 300 miles from home.
Borrowed a friends 16' trailer and took off. Got there and realized we had nothing to move it with.
In the back of my truck we found a piece of2"PVC just under 7 ' long.Borrowed a hacksaw from the
guy I bought the camper from and cut it in two pieces. Worked well in an emergency. Three pieces
would work better . As you push the camper and it clears one piece move it to the other end.
Camper will stay on two pieces at all times that way.


New member
Any chance you're looking for folks to prototype your goods? i'm starting a build and have a pretty neat idea. This would make the finish work a bit easier.


Expedition Leader
Any chance you're looking for folks to prototype your goods? i'm starting a build and have a pretty neat idea. This would make the finish work a bit easier.

What is your pretty neat idea and how would the TrailTop parts fit into your plan?


New member
well, my pretty neat idea ended up kind of being covered, I was only 30-40 pages in when i commented :). i'm building a 5x8 trailer and i'm going to need a top. Instead of doing your lean-to approach, i'm going to use linear actuators to actually lift the entire top pop up style. But seeing as you've already done a canvas/duck sided job,


Expedition Leader
well, my pretty neat idea ended up kind of being covered, I was only 30-40 pages in when i commented :). i'm building a 5x8 trailer and i'm going to need a top. Instead of doing your lean-to approach, i'm going to use linear actuators to actually lift the entire top pop up style. But seeing as you've already done a canvas/duck sided job,

I haven't posted these concept drawings before, a few years back I was thinking about pop-up designs. The top one uses a Dinoot Jeep-style tub and is basically the same as my yellow trailer, except that instead of the roof tilting up as I built on the yellow trailer, the entire roof raises like you're thinking of doing. This one would require a fairly long lift mechanism.

The second is also based on a Dinoot tub, although it could be built as a full shell without the tub as a base. The main hard shell of the camper is built with TrailTop parts, as is the roof. This one would require shorter actuators, perhaps 12-18" of extension.

In either case the TrailTop parts would make the roof fairly straightforward to build and seal.

Is your pretty neat idea something like one of these?


On my project list is a hard-shell camper body section for my yellow trailer; it would go between the existing tub and pop-top and provide a lot more room inside. The pop-up section would provide enough room for even me to stand in (I'm 6'6").


As it is now...



New member
Similar to B. I'm building a 5x8 trailer with 24" sides. i'd basically just use your pieces instead of just cutting an angle iron frame for my top. My trailer is going to be modular. so it can be a trailer to tote the golf cart around, or a camper for me to go to an ORV that doesn't have cabins. i'm over tent camping :)

I had considered doing an additional 24" hard wall when in camper mode with a 18-20" pop , but not sure about storage of those since most of the time they'd not be in use. SO, I Say all of this to say, i'll probly end up with a taller pop up and skip the additional hard wall.


Expedition Leader
Similar to B. I'm building a 5x8 trailer with 24" sides. i'd basically just use your pieces instead of just cutting an angle iron frame for my top. My trailer is going to be modular. so it can be a trailer to tote the golf cart around, or a camper for me to go to an ORV that doesn't have cabins. i'm over tent camping :)
Mine gets used in many ways too. The TrailTop tilt-up cover is very easy to remove, even though it's large enough to be awkward for one person to handle - I just hang it from the garage rails. This photo was taken just after I removed it, then I raise it up on the chains so it hangs high enough to park the Jeep under it in that bay.


When I get around to doing the hard sides for it, they'll be modular and will remove and knock down flat for storage. I did my military trailer the same way, this first photo shows the complete trailer with the hard sides installed and the fiberglass lid on top (a military trailer it too small to sleep in so I put a roof-top tent on it):


This photo was taken as I was painting the hard sides and before I installed the hatches, but they come apart and store flat as in this photo, then the lid goes down directly onto the tub.


The yellow trailer will work the same way. Because the corners of the tub are curved, I'll use TrailTop curved corner rails for the vertical corners to match the curves of the tub. The current TrailTop tilt-up lid will mount on top of the hard sides as in the concept drawing in my previous post.

Doing it in a modular way with TrailTop parts I'll have a completely configurable trailer - tub only with snap-on tonneau cover, tub with tilt-up hard cover, tub with hard sides and tilt-up hard cover.

BTW the TrailTop cover comes in very handy as a "flatbed", in this photo I'm transporting roof molds for my fiberglass LJ and JK hardtops. I just throw some mover's blankets on the lid and strap the load down.


I had considered doing an additional 24" hard wall when in camper mode with a 18-20" pop , but not sure about storage of those since most of the time they'd not be in use. SO, I Say all of this to say, i'll probly end up with a taller pop up and skip the additional hard wall.

Have you found a source for your linear actuators yet and done the design for how it'll all work?


New member
Your hobby is pretty cool...
I have enjoyed reading the post front to back many times
I have a 5 x 8 Rural King utility trailer that I want to convert using your concept!
Have you assembled wiring diagrams for the different models?
Looking forward to new posts from you


Expedition Leader
...Looking forward to new posts from you

Other projects and priorities have kept me from working on the TrailTop concept for quite a while, that's why there haven't been any posts of new developments. I still have all of the molds for the TrailTop parts and I've got plans for a few additional parts to make other trailer and cap designs easy to build. I hope to get back to this project in the not too distant future.


New member
Did you build a Trailer Box?
I started laying ut a box for my trailer this weekend
If you have a layout , pictures, etc I would like to see them.

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