UAV-TD (Urban Assualt Vehicle - tear drop) build


Well got the main galley area finished. Ill need to buy another sheet of oak:( being 52" wide sucks for all the wide cabinets.
Everything is pocket hole drilled where you wont be able to see them.

Nice build!! Adding to the Vegas teardropping population to boot. The extra width will be nice. The standard 48" is a bit tight for two.



Went and bought the wood for the interior ceiling and 3/4" ply for the cabinets. Currently slowly shaping the ceiling panel to fit. Need to fit the interior cabinet but need to figure out how i want it too look.


Ohh thanks jim and joanne, your guys builds are some of the very first ones i ever looked at to give me some inspiration!


Well had a set back last night. I had made the ceiling panel from 2 pieces. I was trying to curve it slowly by placing it on top of the TD with weights and a ratchet strap. Well it wasnt really that tight i thought, but in the middle of the night when it got cold it snapped.

Goin wait a little on building that again hard to tell the wife i wasted 50 bucks in one day again! Lol
Anyways i need to finish the interior cabinet which im not sure how i want it too look soo might be a little till I update.
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Been cutting the interior cabinets out and redid the interior ceiling panel. I took my router and kerf cut the crap out of the 1/4" oak. Took for ever. Now it will actually conform the bend. Hoping to get some stuff done this week. After breaking the ceiling i was pretty unmotivated.
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Good to see ya back at it. Kerfing that must of sucked but I bet it's flexy now. Keep up the good work . The pay off will come at the end.


Going to work on the interior cabinets this week trying to find a look I like. Need to start looking at others to find somethin


New member
Looks great. My wife and I are learning a lot following your build and a few others. We plan to start our build this August or Sept. Are you going to cover the outside in aluminum?


Check out the cabinets on Moby1 trailers site. Nice ,simple and clean lines or Jimwagon65 tear drop build on here for something fancier.


New member
just have to say I love the original name for this thread. . . surprised no one had made any STRIPES jokes yet (army training sir!)
the little man's title is pretty cool too :)
awesome awesome build, when we found out we needed a rolling home this summer, a tear drop is what i tried to talk Dan into, but we are building on a short 5 week build time so we went with a "mini truck camper". when we get around to the tear drop we will be checking this out again for sure! good luck, cheers!


Thanks guys for the comments!
I got the interior face cutout this week and preceed to get sick then got my youngest son sick so my entire 6 days off was horrible lol.
I like the moby1 interior cabinets alot. Jims build is super nice and above my skills. I was thinking for the doors going down and buying 1x3"or 1x2" oak build the cabinet door frame but cut a slot on the inside to slide a piece of frosted plastic or plexiglass in. Plan on fitting the cabin cabinet and finish glueing the roof together tomorrow hopefully. Oh and it will be skinned in aluminum. I was surprised how cheap aluminum was $90 dollars for 4x10' (maybe 5x10' I forgot) .062.

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