UAV-TD (Urban Assualt Vehicle - tear drop) build

Aspen Trails Trailers

Supporting Sponsor
Well 77 that is some good information.

I was informed yesterday that the cost of my fiber glass will go up as much as three times what I am paying now. My trailers are 55 inches high at the tallest point on the cabin. The glass comes in 102 inch rolls. So I either have to redesign the lower with a 4-5 inch area of diamond plate or change my covering. I like the glass as it is almost 3/8ths of an inch thick. Making the walls much stronger. Harder to scratch than Aluminum. But each side now costs close to 1100.00 bucks, plus top/front and back, I have nearly 4000 in glass, where before it was 14-1500.



Wow bob!!! That is crazy how much and thats a huge bummer that its not tall enough to fit. What about filon? I thought about filon but no one has it in vegas then i found out about the aluminum being cheap and dropped that idea. I would really of liked to have a color matched trailer to my hummer, but the cost dropped that. Its cost's like these that people dont realize that makes building them expensive.

Aspen Trails Trailers

Supporting Sponsor
In honesty, mine most likely cost me three times more than the other manufacturers. One because of all the steel, the odd size of my trailer, and the fact that I do not build enough to get great prices from parts manufacturers. The steel has continuously gone up since I started, and because I have it all precession cut for the lower frame. Also the fact that I change mine pretty much continuously looking for better things, better ways to do those things. Wanting it to be the best, and not so much concerned about the profit margin also hurts me. I really do not want to tack it up with diamond plate. But I do not want to spend two months building one and end up losing money either. Time is valuable, I have grand kids, and these certainly take time away from them. Making a little, staying busy is okay, but not losing money and time. Yesterday was not a good day. I will have to look at this closely. I have already figured away to keep my cost the same or near that, but not sure as stated I want to use a diamond plate skirt. 4 inches may make the decision as to whether I continue them or not. Will have to talk to people and see what they think.

I am glad you found a answer for yours.



Finally got some progress done for the trailer and a semi garage clean up!! I finished the interior cabinet face and the dividers for the cabinets. I ended up routing the outside of cabinet face except the very top. Doing the wall side might have been a mistake with the pocket hole jig. (might see the screws) Biggest progress was i finished gluing together the entire interior ceiling panel. Soo tuesday my next day off I need to assemble the interior cabinet and install it then pull the last ceiling spar and install it. Though I'll probally need to varnish it first.



Well your making some good progress,being sick sucks especially when the kids are. Not to highjack but Bob sorry to hear the fiberglass prices ,must be the cost of oil to blame.I,m thinking about glassing mine as I'm afraid the aluminum will be all marked up with alot of off-road use. That and trying to find aluminum any place close isn't easy the joys of living on a island. Your cupboards should look good with plexi inserts. Keep up the good work!


Well made some progress today and came close to lighting it on fire and enjoying it burn to the ground.
interior cabinets installed needs a little trim work but not too bad.
Then i went to install the roof i spent 2-3 hours kurf cutting and building to bend nicely even tested it before putting it in, bent really nice went to install it and blew apart!!!!!!!!! Aaaaaahhhh motherf@$&$". Then the other half broke........ At this point i dont give a flying f. Lined up the crack flush and screwed it in. I will cover the ceiling in some heavy wall paper or some other crap....... Off to drink beer.


I think I need a bigger truck!
Sux that is cracked again after all that kerfing... you could always laminate on some veneer and pretend like it never happened? That or use some fabric and call it a day.

Chris Cordes

Expedition Leader
Man sorry to see you had so much trouble with that. It's looking good though keep at it! The end product will definitely be worth it. Now go have a beer haha :beer:


Well-known member
The cabinets look good. If it makes you feel better, we had a time (galley leak we couldn't seem to stop) that made us want to burn ours too. But we didn't. I am really glad we didn't. Don't burn yours, either. It will get better.

Aspen Trails Trailers

Supporting Sponsor
Until you have actually played with one of these things, you have no idea of the work, the time, the thinking and the frustration that goes with building one. Keep the faith man, your doing a great job. It will come together, and I am sure if you need any help, Jim is here and he is the man to ask. Damn that thing is a work of art. Don't give up and don't have too many beers so you accidently hit it on return.



Wow after all that kerfing it broke. Can't believe it and can understand why you would want to burn it. Well we all have had those days.Go have some beers and tomorrows another day. Your doing a awesome job even with a few set backs! Keep at it. Derek

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