@ Presto: thxs for the "wow"! ( I am kinda impressed myself)
@ Slofizz: Since John made those 4 indentations which make it a even surface to attache brackets too, I started planning.
I was told by John that the most forward indentation has a steel plate worked into the polyester material from the hardtop. So I was able to place a tread in there and screw 2 M8 screws straight into it.
The two last indentations are very easy, just drill 2 holes (each bracket has 2 holes) and put the M8's through and attached a washer and nut on the back and tighten. Don't forget to seal with some sikaflex.
Now the most difficult one is the 2nd indentation since there is no steel plate to set a thread, but also no acces from inside! (John, maybe a tip,to set steal plates on al 4 indentations..).
What I did was remove the speaker bar which is attached to the rollbar, Had the 2 holes drilled and put the screws through, then had my girlfriend (way smaller hands and arm, not talking about her being more flexable then me

Reach over the backside of the rollbar and attched washer and nut. Then with a rachet and some extensions reach over the frontside of the rollbar to tighten those nuts.
Worked fine, with some blood, sweat and curses...
Now the brackets, they where custom made from rust free steel and powdercoated for the looks. Every steel company should be able to do that!
Hope this was of some help, and if there any more questions, shoot!
Oh, today is solar panel installing day and tomorrow we are leaving for 5 weeks Turkey, Georgia, Armenia and Black Sea Expedition....