Uwharrie Safari


Just here...
Hey, Im not going down there this weekend but am next weekend to meet up with friends for light wheeling and camping. Heres my question: If the government shuts down (which its looking like it will), national parks/ monuments are closed. If this happens, is Uwharrie going to be inaccessible?


Supporting Sponsor
interesting question, but who will be there to know? It is obviously Nat'l Forest, and not trying to encourage bad behavior, but really- trails should be open, since season is 4/1 -12/15, 24-7?


Expedition Leader
I guess they could close gates and block entry but Uwharrie is wide open and doens't have a specifc entry point/ranger station so ????

The guy organizing the Safari talked with the Rangers about the event and closure and they assured him they will be open, don't know if this applies to next week or not. I guess the store could be told to stop selling trail passes, the facilities could be locked up and the trials could be gated but it would be tough to close Uwharrie completely.


Just here...
I am heading down there on the 15th through the 17th to do some very light wheeling and "camping." It will be light wheeling as I am meeting my brother from Bragg and his wife and two young ones there and theyll be in their stock XTerra and it will be "camping" as I reserved a spot at Arrowhead with electrical outlets and toilets (for his wife, kids and my fiances comfort). I am concerned that if they (Congress) cannot get their **** together and shut it down, access to the camp area will be closed.

I know that the forest is huge and that there isnt one main entry point but I dont want a few things to play out.
1. Massive trespassing on federal land fine
2. Creating a bad relationship with Park Rangers who will see numerous people ignoring an official "we are closed" announcement which might lead to trail shut downs
3. Losing the "camping" area I reserved for the above listed people. Bro and wife, the fiance and I have no problem camping for real out in the woods but with two young ones (2 and 5), everything changes and those amenities are nice to have.

I guess I will just have to continue watching the news and wait for the shut down announcement on Saturday and then call on Monday to see if theyre going to be open. Last thing that I want to do is make a 5 hour drive south to be told that everything is closed to access. I could sneak through a back entrance or random trail but that doesnt sit well with me.


Hey, Im not going down there this weekend but am next weekend to meet up with friends for light wheeling and camping. Heres my question: If the government shuts down (which its looking like it will), national parks/ monuments are closed. If this happens, is Uwharrie going to be inaccessible?

I asked when I was there last weekend and was told since the campgrounds and trails are non-appropriated funds (user funded demonstration projects) that they should NOT be affected in the absence of an appropriations bill from the clowns on the Hill. (Clowns on the hill is my terminology and was not uttered in any official capacity.)


Expedition Leader
The one area that could get you (IMHO) Vig, is if the Rangers get asked to stay home and the facilities get closed because they won't be around to manage them. I think you could still camp and ride the trails, etc but having a shower and potty might be in question. Tough call to make. Have you called the store in Eldorado? They will know better than us since that is where you buy the passes, etc.


Supporting Sponsor
Vig- if you go and for whatever reason it is closed, call me or head this way- we are an hour away and have a little land as do friends/family and can arrange a decent w/e- and even have a 4 & 6 yo to entertain the little ones:) In fact one uncle has a hunting lodge with several hundred acres....


Just here...
Thanks guys. We are kind of beholden to the little ones. The four of us always camp out in the woods and I have one of those fold up crappers but that wont work too well with the kiddies so Arrowhead camp (already reserved a spot) was a great option. Im a government teacher and have been watching this all closely and I really dont see another continuing resolution being acceptable or a compromise anytime soon. I might take you guys up on your help.

Whats the number of the store? Ill give them a call tomorrow and ask.


Supporting Sponsor
some changes here, so we will not be there until late Fri afternoon, sorry. Good news is the 21yo daughter is coming too:)


Supporting Sponsor
not to disappoint Brian, but it didn't work with the snorkle, even if I trimmed. So look for a flat Hannibal with pendant mounted 550s sadly:-(

Be safe Jonathon- see you tomorrow

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