Middle Income Semi-Redneck
It's really only unwise to use IEC/UL type plugs if someone unknowingly plugs your solar controller or panels into a wall outlet at home.I suppose based on previous comments the only thing the purists will say "stupid" about is the SAE connector on the roof and the use of regular AC extension cords for carrying DC current. But copper is copper, right?
From a technical standpoint the main difference in a connector designed for AC-only vs AC/DC is that a DC-safe plug will consider arcing. A plug only designed for AC doesn't have to deal in the same way with its contacts welding themselves as easily if the connection is made hot. AC crosses zero every half cycle so an arc will self extinguish while DC just continues to arc. This isn't a big concern with a low voltage 50W panel or two, but when the system grows (generally the cut off for low voltage DC is 50V) it could be something to think about.