What did you do to your Expo Jeep today?

Expedition Essentials

Active member

Added some overkill lights.

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Desk Jockey
Replaced my wiper blades (wooohoooo) w/cheapie walmart supertech brand blades. I've had Trico, Rain X & Bosch and have been disappointed with the life of all of them. $20 blades seem to last no longer than $5 ones, so cheap it is.

Wiper blades are designed for no more than 1 year before the rubber starts to break down. It's not so much they are designed to only last 1 year, but the rubber compounds usually used to keep it pliable in the cold mean it breaks down relatively quick, as well. Plus, if you live where there's ice/salt/sand/dirt/etc. that really chews up the leading edge. The only real difference between $5 and $20 blades is the rubber compound and how the edge is made.

Try out the cheaper ones and if they work then don't look back!

Comanche Scott

Expedition Leader
Because good enough, isn't

Replaced an almost free 10 minute home made cover plate, with a $45/20 hours of holding the tongue just right to get paint in all the nooks Spidy plate. :elkgrin:


  • Cheap-cover.jpg
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  • Spidy-cover.jpg
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Got it back on the road and back up to Rochester yesterday. Still need to fix the A/C and I also found a damaged flex joint on one of the front LCAs that needs fixing (drove fine on the trip back other than some funny noises from that joint at low speeds).

Now I just have to hunt down a 231 indicator bezel to go next to the t-case shifter...


Got it back on the road and back up to Rochester yesterday. Still need to fix the A/C and I also found a damaged flex joint on one of the front LCAs that needs fixing (drove fine on the trip back other than some funny noises from that joint at low speeds).

Now I just have to hunt down a 231 indicator bezel to go next to the t-case shifter...

I may have one. What's wrong with yours? I think the one I have had some cracked tabs in it. If you just want the indicator piece I would sell it for cheap. I'm assuming you have the 5.9 listed on your profile....


I may have one. What's wrong with yours? I think the one I have had some cracked tabs in it. If you just want the indicator piece I would sell it for cheap. I'm assuming you have the 5.9 listed on your profile....

Yeah, it's for the 5.9. This is the first time it's had a 231 in it (had a 242 before after I ditched the original 249), so I just don't have the correct bezel for it. At the moment, I just marked off the fulltime position on the 242 bezel with a piece of black tape.


Went by a shop that does custom work on 4x4's and scheduled the interior of my Jeep to be hit with Line-X next week. This is something I did in my previous Rubicon and liked a lot.


I finally installed the Poison Spider diff covers I've had sitting for a few weeks. What should have been a simple install turned into a big PITA. The front was a pain because the track bar is ********** in the middle of the differential, making it tough to get to the top three bolts. Getting the stock one off wasn't too bad, but because the PS one is larger, I couldn't get the wrench on from the front and had to come around from above and behind. My arms don't usually bend that way. All in all not bad, just took more time than I thought based on the write-ups I've seen. It's the back where the real problem happened. I also bought Lube Locker gaskets and very prominently displayed on the package are instructions for installing along with torque values. Following those instructions I began torquing to the recommended 35 ft/lbs. And then the bolt broke off in the housing and then I crapped myself and then I started the profanity laced tirade. After getting that out of my system I uninstalled the cover to see how bad it was. Luckily for me there was just enough of the bolt sticking out that I was able to get a cold chisel on it and tap it around with a hammer. Disaster averted. Follow up with both Poison Spider and Lube Locker (who are both very responsive) showed that the correct torque value was 15 ft/lbs. Lube Locker says their instructions are for the stock covers and hardware. I did not torque the remaining bolts to 35, but they are above 15. I'm afraid I've stressed the bolts and will likely replace them all just to be safe. Lesson learned, do additional research when using parts from different manufacturers.

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