What do you use for a truck gun?


New member
Saiga .308 carbine with an Ace folding stock and quick release side mounted optic. I have it setup to fold to the left so it's fully functional in short or long modes. That's a standard size violin case. I also have 20 round box mags but for truck use they're awfully big and heavy! I would like to build an AK pistol with a single point sling as a dedicated truck gun as I can't have a loaded long gun in a vehicle in my state. I can and do have loaded mags in the case with the Saiga at all times. With my concealed carry permit I could leave a loaded AK pistol in the truck all the time and that would be really nice. Of course I also carry concealed everywhere I go. :)





I actually really like the idea of a shorty lever action in 30-30 or similar. Great truck gun.

I have a longer lever action in 30-30 and it shoots great.

Due to my location, and the amount of time I spend traveling via the liquid road, I very much prefer a compact rifle that feels like a model 94 carbine, as I grew up carrying one. Having been in a dlp situation involving a model 94 carbine (375 winchester) and a grizzly bear, I needed something more powerful. That didn't exist precisely how I desired, so I created my own:


Not everyone will have my picky tastes in classic american lever guns. A browning lever rifle take down scout in 308 winchester or 358 winchester would be equally handy for the rest of the North American world, or an AK-47 anywhere else.


Currently, a home built M4 if I want to have a long gun with me, occasionally a .35rem lever gun. What I really want is a Krinkov. I need to get a pistol and apply for a stamp to SBR it.. It would be my ideal truck gun though.



Mission specific? I guess I've never considered any of my travels as a mission, except those few times when I was in a hurry to avoid pooping myself.

Mission is a simplified term. I usually have a plan and idea of where I'm headed and plan my weapons according to activity and threat level. Urban, outdoor activity, camping, day trip, multi-day trip, etc...

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