What do you use for a truck gun?


Is outside
Mission is a simplified term. I usually have a plan and idea of where I'm headed and plan my weapons according to activity and threat level. Urban, outdoor activity, camping, day trip, multi-day trip, etc...

im guessing you live in eastern Ukraine or Syria or maybe the S Phillipines?


Currently, a home built M4 if I want to have a long gun with me, occasionally a .35rem lever gun. What I really want is a Krinkov. I need to get a pistol and apply for a stamp to SBR it.. It would be my ideal truck gun though.


I have 2, a 5.45 and a 7.62, and they are very loud.

If you get one put a can on it.



But I personally carry this. An XCR 9.3" 300blk with an Omega.

It's ideal to me.

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goin camping

I went with a Saiga in 7.62X39. All the reliability and durability of an AK in a slimmer easier to pack format. And since they were cheap when bought if it gets stolen. Pffft, it's a cheap AK. And I have a few AK's I built from flats and kits I can throw in the jeep to replace it.

I just can't leave a expensive rifle in a car day in and day out.


The more firearms training I get, the more I tend to lean on the carbine for solving problems (furry and felon). The only real advantage to a pistol is size and concealability/packability, but quick access to a rifle makes a lot more sense for camp defense, hunting, survival, StuffHTF, etc.

I have been working with a few 5.56 platform and also few others. In the G, I have been carrying the HK 93 with a few mags in a bandolier. The A3 paratrooper stock makes it extremely compact for storage. Fun to shoot too.
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Here is the 93 in a Big Sky rack in the G-Class. Easy to access and reasonably secure (it locks).

Finding a few limitations with the 93, I worked on a Daniel Defense DD M4 V11 (also in 5.56) with a few items I thought would enhance the 'truck gun' concept. First, it is grey, which is a little less 'frighten the hiker black gun', it also has a Law Tactical folding stock, which significantly shortens the overall package and allows the rifle to fit under my seat. The one real downside to the folder is that only one round can be fired before the stock needs to be folded straight and the weapon charged. For distance (think hunting, etc.) I installed a NightForce 1-4 optic and co witnessed with a front sight (not shown in this image). It is a 14.5" barrel, so super short and no NFA. The Silencerco break works with our cans. https://danieldefense.com/daniel-defense-m4-carbine-v11-tornado.html
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I ran the M4 hard in a week long training session at Gunsite (The Evolution of Shooting program) with Chief White (SEAL Team 6 Chief) and was impressed with the reliability and accuracy. This gun RUNS!

In addition to the carbines, I have been working on the idea of a sub for the truck as I have an HK SP89K with an SBR tax stamp in process. Fit the right optic and stock, this could be a super compact truck gun / ditch bag option.
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Of course, I will need a port in my windshield ;)
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Of course, I could just do like I did in South Sudan a few months ago and run the AK ...

What are you guys running? (don't worry, you can blur your license plates and put a black bar over your eyes, fully DEVGRU styley) ;)

Looks like you upgraded, buddy. Nice choice in items....


New member
Personally, I always have my P220 on my person, with 5 extra mags in the center console. And I carry either a Winchester .44 lever action or my SBR AR with 5 to 10 extra mags.


Personally, I always have my P220 on my person, with 5 extra mags in the center console. And I carry either a Winchester .44 lever action or my SBR AR with 5 to 10 extra mags.

Big bore lever action is a realm I really want to get into. Spare a few minutes and educate me? Who makes a good one?


Expedition Leader
Big bore lever action is a realm I really want to get into. Spare a few minutes and educate me? Who makes a good one?

How much money you got? For us normal sorts, try to find a pre-Remington Marlin, if you've got the change try Wild West Guns or one of the other custom gunsmiths.


Big bore lever action is a realm I really want to get into. Spare a few minutes and educate me? Who makes a good one?

Check out the Henry .44. I've got the brass Big Boy in both .44 and the .45-70. Beautiful guns that shoot as good as they look. I've always been a pre-Remington Marlin and Winchester guy. The Henry actions are as smooth as butter and shoot like a dream.


How much money you got? For us normal sorts, try to find a pre-Remington Marlin, if you've got the change try Wild West Guns or one of the other custom gunsmiths.

Check out the Henry .44. I've got the brass Big Boy in both .44 and the .45-70. Beautiful guns that shoot as good as they look. I've always been a pre-Remington Marlin and Winchester guy. The Henry actions are as smooth as butter and shoot like a dream.


This looks appealing....


Looking at the WWG's copilot in 44Mag...looks nice, do the WWG copilots perform at a level that rates the price tag they charge??


I have a JM stamped Marlin stainless. I put the Skinner Peeps on and it's awesome. Holds 10 rounds and with the smallest aperture sight is very accurate at 100 yards.
Im a little more basic i guess. I have 2 carry handguns a 1911 and a compact 9mm. But my truck gun is generally only there when im out there. Its just a Chinese mosin nagant T53. The 7.62x54r is powerful enough to take down just about anything and its fairly easy to find rounds plus, Its cheap its fairly acurate and i can use it as a club if need be lol.



Im a little more basic i guess. I have 2 carry handguns a 1911 and a compact 9mm. But my truck gun is generally only there when im out there. Its just a Chinese mosin nagant T53. The 7.62x54r is powerful enough to take down just about anything and its fairly easy to find rounds plus, Its cheap its fairly acurate and i can use it as a club if need be lol.

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if you were truly "Expo", you'd get this....


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