Why Aren't 4Runners More Popular as Expo Rigs?


Wiffleball Batter
For a world platform, the early Prado is probably more common. IIRC the Prado we had in Kuwait in 2004 had a 3.4 V6 (at least I assume that's what the big graphics on the side that said "3400" referred to) but then we got a new generation Prado (a 2004) that had the V8 (it was basically the same thing as the Lexus GX470 but it had the spare tire on the door.)


OverCamping Specialist
What I would like to know is why my 5,000 lb boat gets better gas mileage over the 3rd gen.
Maybe the 4.0 is more efficient?
My rig is quite heavy with all the add-ons and stuff I carry inside too.

And for proof, I have kept an Excel spread sheet since July 24th 2006 the day I brought it home.
The pic here shows to January of this year to this mornings fill up.
I was getting 21 MPG when I first got it with city and freeway.

The MPG went up on June the 8th, actually a few weeks before I switched to super premium.
It runs regular just fine though.



Wiffleball Batter
What I would like to know is why my 5,000 lb boat gets better gas mileage over the 3rd gen.
Maybe the 4.0 is more efficient?

I'm pretty sure that's the case. The 3.4 came out at a time when gas was cheap and fuel economy wasn't much of a concern.

Despite being longer, heavier and wider, (and significantly more powerful) my 4th gen gets almost the same MPG pulling a 1200lb trailer as my 3rd gen did without the trailer.

I'm sure that VVTI and a 5 speed auto also help MPG wise.

Funny thing about my 4th gen is that so far, I have not taken any long trips w/o the trailer. I'm really interested to see how well it does when it's not pulling that weight.

3rd gen MPG. Most of this was w/o the trailer:

4th gen MPG: Almost all of it was WITH the trailer:

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You auto transmission guys have it rough. I'm averaging 19.2 mixed with a focus on city 10 mile trips. 1996 supercharged 5 speed 4runner. If I hyper mile out towards Kansas I get 21.3 mpg.


Wiffleball Batter
You auto transmission guys have it rough. I'm averaging 19.2 mixed with a focus on city 10 mile trips. 1996 supercharged 5 speed 4runner. If I hyper mile out towards Kansas I get 21.3 mpg.

That actually sounds about right. My 1st gen Taco (04) had a 5 speed as well and 20 was pretty easy on the highway. I even got 27mpg one time although that was under pretty ideal conditions (mostly downhill from Glenwood Springs to Denver, CC set at 65 and no traffic or weather issues.) 22-23 was pretty common with the 5 speed.

I sometimes wonder what a 4th gen 4runner/6 speed manual combo could do. Pretty good I'm guessing.


I could have picked between the 3 and ultimately went with the 4Runner, so there are people out there that choose this platform. And while I may not go on multimonth expeditions (how many on this site actually do?) I do go on quite a few adventures, camping trips, off road and on road trips. with a family of 4 with no issues.
I have no desire to own a pickup, I thought about an 80s, but I actually PREFER IFS, not to mention the slightly better MPG (although its still pretty painful, I can barely manage 17mpg on a tank with my ARB/Winch/tires/lift) The mileage isn't what kills me, its the inability to go much over 250 miles per tank.

A 4th gen would be ideal, but I didn't want to finance anything, not to mention it seems there would just be more possible electrical gremlins


красный октябрь
I'm going to chime in a bit too, I have a 1994 LC, and I've had a Tacoma. I'd like to have the slightly smaller footprint the 4runner provides, but I have 4 kids, so third row seating wasn't optional, but mandatory.

I get the aforementioned dismal mileage, right now 10 mpg, though I previously averaged 14-17.

I agree completely with the comments about the LC being a more solid feeling drive, it's just a different feel. My kids love my truck as much or more than I do.

I need a new daily driver, and I'm thinking about picking up a Tacoma again, I haul bicycles, a kayak, climbing gear etc, every day. 20 mpg would be ok, and I don't plan to go out of the yota family.

The other alternative that I'm considering is selling my 80 and going to a nice 100 series as a DD and expo vehicle. I'm sold on my cruisers though.

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As a current 3rd gen 4runner owner, I'd say there are a few reasons. Don't get me wrong - I love my 4runner. But in comparison to other SUVs I've owned and driven, it's small. And I don't like the IFS.

I'd take my old Discovery 1 over the 4runner any day. And the Land Cruisers we use in Africa. I think the 4runner is a great platform, but it's small size is my biggest complaint.


I think I need a bigger truck!
I had a Gen 2 4 Runner for a short time. The seating position was what killed it for me...way too low slung, not a fan. I prefer a more upright seating position. Other than that, reliable, reasonable amounts of rear cargo space, pretty rugged. Sold it, bought the Cherokee...very happy even though it is small too.


I had a Gen 2 4 Runner for a short time. The seating position was what killed it for me...way too low slung, not a fan. I prefer a more upright seating position.

I guess everyone one is different, I like the low slung seating in the 4Runner, where as my Trooper is like sitting on a bar stool and I can't stand it.


I think I need a bigger truck!
Yup... personal preferences. A buddy of mine has a 92 4 Runner and has put 300,000 KM on it...apparently he likes the low slung seating too! lol


Yup... personal preferences. A buddy of mine has a 92 4 Runner and has put 300,000 KM on it...apparently he likes the low slung seating too! lol

Yep, I have 270,000 miles on my Tacoma...and I avoid driving our Trooper at all cost. :elkgrin:


You auto transmission guys have it rough. I'm averaging 19.2 mixed with a focus on city 10 mile trips. 1996 supercharged 5 speed 4runner. If I hyper mile out towards Kansas I get 21.3 mpg.

Hmm. I can only guess the difference between yours and mine is the quality of the mechanic working on it! LOL. Mine is SC'd now (as you know) and is a 5 speed. I get 18 on a good day, 16.5 mostly.

That is pretty typical of the other 3.4L 4Runners in the family.


Hilux Surfs (same vehicle, different name) are most commonly found with a diesel or the V6 (there are some slight differences in parts between markets for emissions and such, but that's the same with 80s).

Land Cruisers could be had triple locked, '99/'00 4Runners had available rear lockers and the transfer case is mechanically locked AND selectable. You're essentially only down one factory locker (which is easily rectified for what it's worth, though I don't know that I intend to do so for all the use it gets).

The LC head gasket issues, PHH, and knuckles are potential liabilities compared to the 4Runner's CV axles.

You may be right about overlanding versus expo with the Tacos. That would make far more sense. There are definitely more 70-series, Defenders, etc. out there than just 80 series, but I'm only really concerned with/considering what's available here (US) now.

Using MSN Autos as a reference, '00 4Runner Vs. '97 Land Cruiser (both the last vintages with the appropriate equipment available from the factory)
.................................4Runner.................Land Cruiser..............Delta.........Advantage
Seating.......................5 (+2 optional*)......5 (+2 optional)...........0.............Draw
Front Headroom...........39.3"......................40.3"........................1"............LC
Rear Headroom............38.7".....................39.7"........................1".............LC
Front Legroom.............42.6"......................42.2"........................0.4...........4R
Rear Legroom..............34.9".....................33.6"........................1.3"...........4R
Cargo Length...............45"†.......................46.7"........................1.7"..........LC
Width @ Wheelwell.......38.3".....................44.1".........................5.8"..........LC
Width @ Wall...............41.7".....................58.1".........................16.4"........LC
Curb Weight (manual)...3440#....................4751#.......................1311#.......4R
Ground Clearance.........9.8".......................10.8".........................1"............LC
Towing Capacity...........5,000#...................5,000#......................0#...........Draw
Fuel Capacity...............18.5 gal..................25.1 gal.....................6.6 gal......LC
Fuel Economy..............17/20.....................13/15.........................4/5..........4R
Projected Hwy Range•...370.0.....................376.5.........................6.5..........LC

*MSN Auto did not have data, filled in by author.
†Ditto, save it's hard to tell where they're measuring from; I went from base of upright back seat to edge of what would be considered interior trim.
•Not a provided stat, but important for our purposes

There may be other useful criteria, but those were the specs that looked most important to me. I'm not arguing that the 4Runner is somehow a better vehicle than the Land Cruiser, just that it's very close where it counts and different in other ways that may give it a slight advantage depending on one's priorities. The fact that it's so close combined with the lack of them out there is confusing to me. Hence the thread.

It has nothing to do with what I'm personally doing or not doing, I'm not meaning any of this as any sort of self-conscious defense of my choice of vehicle, it was just an observation made (a lack of 4Runners compared to 80-series) that didn't seem to line up with the specs of the vehicles. Depending on one's priorities, either could be the better choice. My personal priorities (manual transmission, fuel economy, reliability, etc.) put the 4Runner over the 80. It surprises me that it's not a more common choice.

Well, Like I said, good luck with the build! Happy expo-ing!


This thread has me thinking about the couple of blogs I'm following, two are 1st gen 4runners and one keeps bumping into a 3rd gen green stockish 4runner.
But what really has me thinking is not so much the manufacture but the style, So which is more prevalent: SUV or Pick Up Expedition vehicle?
I guess I could just ask http://www.nolimitx.com/

Looks pretty close to stock.
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