Yet Another Bolt-Together Fiberglass Trailer Kit


Expedition Leader
Didn't see anything CJ10-a related here on ExPo?
This was Craig's CJ10a, before fenders. He's sold it since, and I don't find much online anymore so maybe he's deleted a lot of the photos. I think he cut down an M416 tub to about 4', so it's pretty much what you're talking about.



Expedition Leader
Sooooooo, you gonna build it and offer it to us. We need an answer haha

That question needs a multi-part answer...

1. Am I going to build the molds to make tub kits?

Very likely I will, but I haven't made a final decision yet. I've got one mold to finish up on my current project before I can think about starting anything else, so it will be a few weeks before I decide.

2. Am I going to offer tub(s)/kit(s)/trailer(s) for sale?

If I make the molds, I'd likely build one or two prototype tubs to prove out the molds. I would most likely assemble them onto HF trailer frames and offer them for sale when completed. At most, I would do one or two, so that's all I personally would be offering for sale.

3. Are these going to be more generally available for sale?

That depends on whether a company wants to market them. I don't market anything, I just do designs and build prototypes as a hobby. If a company decides to pick this up as a product, like several other things I've designed and prototyped, then it would become generally available from that company.

BTW, if a company decides to pick this up as a product, it's likely one of the prototypes I'd build in answer #2 would go to them.

I'll let everyone know what my plans are as soon as I decide...


Sounds good. Hope it goes to production, I told a buddy about it and he wants one too. I'm sure you realize this is a well supported endeavor! Thanks for your hard work and talents!


Expedition Leader
Can I get some help from an M416 owner please?

The drawing below shows military M416 fenders - the drawings I based them on don't show any detailed dimensions for the fenders, so I've scaled them the best I can, but I don't know if the dimensions I came up with are accurate.

I need accurate dimensions so I can get a manufacturing quote for reproducing these fenders. I'm thinking reproductions could be used on this fiberglass tub kit, but also could be installed on "real" M416's with damaged fenders.

In addition the stock width, which were intended for narrow 7.00-16 tires, I plan to get a quote for 13" wide fenders, which would cover wider Jeep-sized tires.


To make it easy for people to help, I've labeled the dimensions:

Top length (TL): 20"
Bottom Length (BL): 36"
Height (H): 14"
Width (W): 10"
Front Flange (FF): 1.5"
Rear Flange (RF): 3"

If someone with an M416 could verify/correct my dimensions I'd really appreciate it.

I just guessed at the rear flange and made it 3" wide, but if anyone has any detailed info on how these mount it would be very helpful.

If I do get to the point of getting some pre-production fenders made up, I'll also probably need an M416 owner to test-fit them on their trailer.


This is exactly what I need. Please please please get these kits to market. ;) Any idea on cost?


TL= 20"
BL= 35 1/2"
H= 14 3/8"
W= 9 3/4"
FF= 1 1/2"
RF= 1/4"

The fenders dont bolt to the side of the tub through a flange like in your drawing. Theres 5 tabs welded to the tub and the fenders bolt to them through the top and sides of the fender. Thats why my "RF" measurement is only 1/4".
I can get you measurements for the holes if you want.


Expedition Leader
TL= 20"
BL= 35 1/2"
H= 14 3/8"
W= 9 3/4"
FF= 1 1/2"
RF= 1/4"

The fenders dont bolt to the side of the tub through a flange like in your drawing. Theres 5 tabs welded to the tub and the fenders bolt to them through the top and sides of the fender. Thats why my "RF" measurement is only 1/4".
I can get you measurements for the holes if you want.

Thank you!

Any chance you could get a camera under there and snap a photo of one of the tabs?

Also if you can tell me where the tabs are and I'll do a quick drawing to make it easier to identify the dimensions like the one I did for the main dimensions. Is it 3 tabs along the top, one on each leg?


No problem! I got the bolt hole measurements for you, I'll run back out and take a pic for you.

Theres one tab centered on the top of the fender and two on each side for a total of five mounting points per fender.
All holes are 7/8" in to center from the back edge of the fender.
The top hole is centered on the 20" length.
for the sides, measuring from the bottom of the fender towards the top is 1 7/8" and 10".


The tabs have an ovaled hole in them. Im not sure what size the holes are, I used 3/8" hardware and it was loose in the holes.






Expedition Leader
The tabs have an ovaled hole in them. Im not sure what size the holes are, I used 3/8" hardware and it was loose in the holes.

Thanks so much!!

One last question - it looks like a rear flange wider than 1/4" would still fit in behind those brackets - what's the widest flange that would fit in there?

I'm asking because I'm trying to see if it would be possible to make one fender that would fit both the original M416 (bolting to the brackets as you've shown) and fit the fiberglass tub (bolting through the tub side without brackets). If the back flange can be wide enough to support bolts through the tub, then this will be possible and I should be able to get these fenders manufactured very reasonably.

Thanks again!
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A 3/4" flange is the widest that would fit.

I like that idea! You could have the holes pre drilled on the inside flange for mounting to the side of the fiberglass tub, but leave it up to the user to drill their own holes through the top and sides if they need to use the stock M416 mounting tabs.


Expedition Leader
A 3/4" flange is the widest that would fit.
Thanks again!

I like that idea! You could have the holes pre drilled on the inside flange for mounting to the side of the fiberglass tub, but leave it up to the user to drill their own holes through the top and sides if they need to use the stock M416 mounting tabs.
Exactly my thought. By making fenders that work with both the M416 and the fiberglass tub, quantities could be higher which translates to lower cost.


Expedition Leader
This is exactly what I need. Please please please get these kits to market. ;) Any idea on cost?

I have yet not gotten any formal manufacturing price quotes for this design but one way to guess at it would be to look at the price of the Jeep-tub trailer kit I designed that's currently on the market, and estimate using that pricing as a stating point. The Jeep-tub kit has 6 fiberglass parts - 2 end panels, 2 side panels, 2 inner fenders. This kit has 1/3 fewer fiberglass parts - it has only 2 end panels and 2 side panels. So reasonable guess might be that this kit could cost in the neighborhood of 1/3 less than the Jeep-tub kit, but many factors come into play in pricing so it's hard to say for sure.

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