Yeti and the Marshmallow

Basement Yeti

yes, too much stuff in one hole will rub togeather, and if you have to replace the cable, you will have to pull the wiring.

Suck it up, drill a hole already. It is something that will take less time than it has to write the posts here pertaining to the subject. You are over thinking it.

I don't have my drill yet...haha.

Chazz Layne

Get a good DeWalt, I did and I have used the snot out of the thing for the last 10 years, still have it, still use it, and still aint thinking about replacing it.

x2! After about 10 years with mine all I need is one battery replaced. :sombrero:

Basement Yeti

So my plan for this week is to get the van to the mechanic, get the back up system squared away, get the stereo/speakers, and blind spot mirrors installed. In the mean time I'll go and get my radiant barrier, cotton insulation, and paint. I can also bide my time by filling in the holes in my van from the bulkhead and other crap, trimming my headliner, and doing more cleaning.

Next week it will be gut the ENTIRE van, clean, paint, radiant barrier, insulate, and panel.

Today I need to wait for some packages. I don't want some turd jacking my stuff. But later I'll probably go out and trim my headliner. My brother has done quite a few and told me how to do it. Maybe tomorrow I'll go and get my building supplies and stuff.

Edit: I order an 18V Dewalt drill with the NiCad battery packs. They do better in heat and unstable conditions than lithium ion.
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Basement Yeti

I canceled my order with Amazon, they have my drill at Home Depot for a lower price. I'll go by today and get it with some other stuff I need.

New favorite song.
[ame=""]YouTube - You can't rollerskate in a buffaloherd - roger miller[/ame]

Second favorite.
[ame=""]YouTube - Cheesecake by Louis Armstrong[/ame]

Basement Yeti

I was thinking, should I use double sided radiant barrier or just single sided? Won't the side of the radiant barrier facing into the van trap heat inside in the summer as well as the winter making the interior hotter in the summer?

Basement Yeti

Ok, so a word to the wise, don't buy a van online if you're a ************** and you don't know anything about vehicles.

I dropped the van at the mechanic and there are a handful of things **************** on her.

-Ignition lock cylinder is worn out
-Back door latch mechanism is bent to hell
-Control arm on the drivers side rear door is gone/bent/destroyed
-No rear center view mirror
-Side mirror damaged during shipping
-Fuel door latch ripped during shipping
-Oil pan gasket leak
-Front shocks are worn out

All in all, with parts and labor, I am looking at $500.00. I guess it's not extremely horrible. I'm still calling the dealership and giving them a piece of my mind.

Hopefully I can get them to pay for some of the crap they failed to mention to me....


Ok, so a word to the wise, don't buy a van online if you're a ************** and you don't know anything about vehicles.

I dropped the van at the mechanic and there are a handful of things **************** on her.

-Ignition lock cylinder is worn out
-Back door latch mechanism is bent to hell
-Control arm on the drivers side rear door is gone/bent/destroyed
-No rear center view mirror
-Side mirror damaged during shipping
-Fuel door latch ripped during shipping
-Oil pan gasket leak
-Front shocks are worn out

All in all, with parts and labor, I am looking at $500.00. I guess it's not extremely horrible. I'm still calling the dealership and giving them a piece of my mind.

Hopefully I can get them to pay for some of the crap they failed to mention to me....

Actually that is pretty normal for buying a used vehicle.

you arent going to get a used vehicle that is in perfect condition, if it was perfect the previous owner would not have got rid of it.


Hmmmm.... 500 parts AND labor? Including the oil pan gasket?

I prefer to wrench on my own stuff, and only sub out stuff like injection pumps and auto transmissions....

BUT, just not deal with the hassel of the oil pan gasket.... for 500... I would say thats a heckuva deal....

All in all... I am with Nick... that is really small stuff... the ignition cyl... please... I can start my truck, pull the key out, and walk away.... if you dont have a problem with it, let it be. You bring it to a shop, they are going to hit you with EVERYTHING that isnt PERFECT.... kinda like tossing a bowl of pasta at the wall, and seeing what sticks........

Door latch linkages can be re-shaped, etc.

I would do the mirrors yourself... pretty easy.

Shocks.... hmmm.... okay, lemme ask you THIS.... Are going to modify the van? taller? Is there maybe an expo member in your area that would maybe give you a second opinion on the major stuff?


Basement Yeti

Actually that is pretty normal for buying a used vehicle.

you arent going to get a used vehicle that is in perfect condition, if it was perfect the previous owner would not have got rid of it.

Hmmmm.... 500 parts AND labor? Including the oil pan gasket?

I prefer to wrench on my own stuff, and only sub out stuff like injection pumps and auto transmissions....

BUT, just not deal with the hassel of the oil pan gasket.... for 500... I would say thats a heckuva deal....

All in all... I am with Nick... that is really small stuff... the ignition cyl... please... I can start my truck, pull the key out, and walk away.... if you dont have a problem with it, let it be. You bring it to a shop, they are going to hit you with EVERYTHING that isnt PERFECT.... kinda like tossing a bowl of pasta at the wall, and seeing what sticks........

Door latch linkages can be re-shaped, etc.

I would do the mirrors yourself... pretty easy.

Shocks.... hmmm.... okay, lemme ask you THIS.... Are going to modify the van? taller? Is there maybe an expo member in your area that would maybe give you a second opinion on the major stuff?


I left the shocks alone, I will upgrade to aftermarket shocks down the road (hehe, no pun intended) I will take care of the fuel filler door, and back latch myself as well. I let Matt (My mechanic) go ahead with my oil pan gasket and the ignition cylinder. He came and picked me up, and showed me how, why, and what was wrong and what they were doing to replace it. Awesome guy, he talked me through a TON of stuff, I don't know much about vehicles at this point, but I know I am not getting screwed. He also bought me a coffee.

My key was getting stuck in the ignition, and it was taking me forever to get the car to turn over.

I know when I get a vehicle some stuff is going to be sketchy, I just wish the dude would have told me the obvious.

I'm not worried, or stressing. I budgeted for much worse than this. I will learn to wrench myself on some stuff, eventually. But with stuff like this, I'd rather someone who knows what they are doing do the work. Even once I learn to do some of my own, some stuff, in my opinion, is just better left to people who do this day in and day out. Especially someone I trust.

Sorry for no big updates. I've been pretty sick the past few days. Crohn's disease sucks sometimes. All I've managed to get done is get some more cleaning done, and order/return some stuff, and straighten out some titling, and credit card fraud.

I'm feeling better, and my Dewalt drill Crutchfield radio harness, radio, and blind spot mirrors will be here by early next week.

I got a killer deal on the drill, and Matt helped me mark a spot for the hole in my bulkhead. When I get the van back, speakers go in, hole gets drilled for the backup camera wiring, I'll mount the camera, patch up some holes in the floor from the old bulkhead and stuff, and fix that fuel filler door latch.

That's all that needs to be done mechanical-wise pretty much, then I can start on the interior!


-Ignition lock cylinder is worn out
Did you get a VIN cut key at a dealer yet? I haven't replaced one of these yet.

-Back door latch mechanism is bent to hell
Is the latch bar on the floor bent too? I've seen several with the bar bent cause problems closing. Fixed a few in Walmart parking lots when I've seen owners have trouble with the back door.

-Control arm on the drivers side rear door is gone/bent/destroyed
Is it tucked inside the door? I had to fish both of Grumpy's back out after I bought it. They still worked though.

-Side mirror damaged during shipping
These are really easy to replace as a unit.

-Fuel door latch ripped during shipping
Did they start putting releases on them again? I know the early vans had them. Second gen vans only use spring tension to keep the door shut.

-Oil pan gasket leak
Ugh. These are a pain cause the front diff has to be dropped to do it.

-Front shocks are worn out
Super easy to do. You won't need longer shocks when you do the lift.

You have no idea how much a wish you lived near Chicago. You'd practically be living at my house as we go through your van. :smiley_drive:

:smiley_drive: I just noticed this smiley is driving a right hand drive vehicle.
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Well-known member
Yep, welcome to used car buying! It's definitely worse when you can't inspect the vehicle before buying but doesn't sound too bad cost wise and for you to do the other stuff. Heck I paid more for my alternator for my M1010 project...

Basement Yeti

Did you get a VIN cut key at a dealer yet? I haven't replaced one of these yet.

Is the latch bar on the floor bent too? I've seen several with the bar bent cause problems closing. Fixed a few in Walmart parking lots when I've seen owners have trouble with the back door.

Nope, it's a-ok.

Is it tucked inside the door? I had to fish both of Grumpy's back out after I bought it. They still worked though.

These are really easy to replace as a unit.[/QUOTE]

Interesting...I never thought to look.

Did they start putting releases on them again? I know the early vans had them. Second gen vans only use spring tension to keep the door shut.

Ugh. These are a pain cause the front diff has to be dropped to do it.

I'm not sure.

Super easy to do. You won't need longer shocks when you do the lift.

You have no idea how much a wish you lived near Chicago. You'd practically be living at my house as we go through your van. :smiley_drive:

:smiley_drive: I just noticed this smiley is driving a right hand drive vehicle.

Haha, thanks dude. There will be much more left to learn and do by the time I get around your area.

Yep, welcome to used car buying! It's definitely worse when you can't inspect the vehicle before buying but doesn't sound too bad cost wise and for you to do the other stuff. Heck I paid more for my alternator for my M1010 project...

Yeah. But you know, the van actually is in pretty good mechanical order. And I was talking to the dealer and he apologized and is talking to his son so we can come to a deal.

But whatever man, I'm not going to stress. This is an adventure, and adventures are fun. It's a big giant learning experience.

I got my Garmin Nuvi 500, I love this thing. I thought it didn't have a bread crumb feature but I figured it out.


Expedition Leader
You picked the right things to have your mechanic do. Oil pan is messy and much easier done on a lift, if you don't have a garage to do the oil pan in then you really made the right decision. The lock cylinder takes a few special tools and techniques, probably not something a beginner would want to learn on.

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