So I decided I will go with 33’s, I had originally got the AEV 33inch trim kit. Honestly just thinking it would be easier and quicker. It won’t, its actually pretty in depth. But gosh their products are beefy.
So Instead I am going to level the front (At least almost) a 2 inch would level it. I am going with a 1.25 inch. It should get here this week, and is a quick install. So weather dependent maybe this weekend. Then when I do finally replace my tires, it will be ready.
When I do, I will go with Toyo at 255/80 R 17s, On OE rims, so a little narrower. At 10 inches. And 33 tall. With less added weight per tire, than the traditional "33" in sizes.
And the Duratracks (OE tires) are 10.43 wide. This should* Allow it to work well. I can still trim if need be, or do the AEV fenders.
The Trifecta tune will allow me to put the tire size into the computer, to retain stock number crunching.
And we will run with that. Looks like a possible TPMS sensor failure, I need to try resetting it. I am prety sure my OBD2 scanner will do this.

Edit, for me. My trucks, gear, camper, etc. All just a tool designed for specific tasks I need them for.