Search results

  1. M

    Mean Green Alts

    my mean green just came in the mail a few days ago. I plan to install it in the next couple of days. i'll let ya know what I think! oh, and welcome!
  2. M

    excellent ebay find...

    oh i'm sure. the guy only lives an hour away from me and I'm sure if I showed up with cash, I could work something out. I've just never seen one like this with the rear cab
  3. M

    excellent ebay find...

    Same seller also has this for sale, for a different sort of "overlanding"..... :sombrero::sombrero::sombrero:
  4. M

    excellent ebay find...

    I wish I could afford this one.
  5. M

    Show us your Toyota 4runner, tacoma or truck.

    ^^ may be the angle of the photo, but that looks like a pretty steep side grade on that run! looks like it would have me puckered :sombrero:
  6. M

    What did brown do for you today?

    excellent! .22 LR AR? I just picked up a thousand rounds of 6.8 and a new .338 LM :) I love getting rebate checks :-D ps you'll have to tell me how you like the hogue's. I am running magpul MOE's and an ergo
  7. M

    What did brown do for you today?

    He brought me a fancy breathing tube ... (Repost from t4r so sorry if you've seen this already? Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk
  8. M

    gave the truck some love today...

    as the title states. gave it the sea foam treatment. always a neat experience. by blipping the throttle while the exhaust was smoking, I got Bruce (my T4r) to blow smoke rings out of the tail pipe. followed by a royal purple oil change and a little bit of off road action. just thought I would...
  9. M

    Show us your Toyota 4runner, tacoma or truck.

    whatever it is, I dig it! I just ordered another RI bar. a 10" SR to put in my factory hood scoop :sombrero:
  10. M

    Show us your Toyota 4runner, tacoma or truck.

    Rigid Ind. SR series? edit:then again, I dont think so
  11. M

    Safari Snorkel group buy

    If anyone is interested, this is the last call. Group buy ends tomorrow, 12-9-11. PM me and I will give you a promotion code that you need to call up and give to the guys at SE for the special rate. cheers!:sombrero:
  12. M

    Safari Snorkel group buy

    I am assuming so as some of the other folks in our group buy are 80 and 100 series LC owners. PM sent
  13. M

    Safari Snorkel group buy

    As far as I know, yes. It would be the same snorkel I would use. The OP of the t4r thread also posted on ih8mud for the LC guys so I am assuming this is for anyone interested
  14. M

    Watches - ExPo Style

    Must be nice :-p. Always wanted a breitling Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk
  15. M

    waterproofing your rig

    Thanks for the link! Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk
  16. M

    Safari Snorkel group buy

    I completely agree. I have no issues with the price of these products, I just haven't had the $375-400 to spend on one just yet. The deal we have been presented is an amazing one and I really do hope we get the numbers to make it happen. It just really irks me sometimes on these forums (not...
  17. M

    waterproofing your rig

    funny you should mention it, my SCUBA gear is in the truck as we speak haha
  18. M

    waterproofing your rig

    Great info. I wonder why, if there are so many breathers to extend, it is so popular to just extend the rear diff breather. I have mine extended up to the top of my rear hatch, but never even though about any others. The only truly high water I have had to have this rig in was flood water...