Abandoned/derelict sites


Thornton Melon's Kid
Cool stuff engineerd. You have been out to the rocket launch by High Rock haven't you? Not quite as fancy.


Desk Jockey
Cool stuff engineerd. You have been out to the rocket launch by High Rock haven't you? Not quite as fancy.

I didn't know about it until just now. How rad! We're hitting the Keweenau this summer on our camping trip, so I'll be sure to put this as a must see site! Maybe bring an Estes rocket to set off from there.


New member
Old Farm house off CR110 in Burnet County TX



Supporting Sponsor
Mate-Demate Structure - Used to load/unload the space shuttles from the modified Boeing 747 Shuttle Carrier Aircraft. The last time I drove by (might be a few years ago now) it looked like it was still standing.

IMG_2203 by engineerd, on Flickr

Just a week ago or so I saw an article that the mate-unmate structure was to be de-commissioned. Pretty soon it will be gone.....


Thornton Melon's Kid
I didn't know about it until just now. How rad! We're hitting the Keweenau this summer on our camping trip, so I'll be sure to put this as a must see site! Maybe bring an Estes rocket to set off from there.
It is the left turn off the trail out to High Rock instead of right where everyone goes. We were out there back in '07.


Overlanding Nurse
Bannack Masonic Lodge No. 3-7-77, built in 1874. The first floor was the town's one-room school. An outside staircase and heavily-built "double floor & double ceiling" ensured separation of the schoolroom from the activities taking place upstairs. It is likely that the "vigilantes" who put an end to corrupt sheriff Henry Plummer's band of murdering, thieving "road agents" were based in this fraternal group. The official uniform insignia of the Montana Highway Patrol bears the numbers "3-7-77" to this day.


Overlanding Nurse
Built as the first Beaverhead County Courthouse in 1875, the building was abandoned in 1881 when the county seat was moved to Dillon, which had become the terminus for the Union Pacific Railroad in the Montana Territory the year before.The building remained vacant until 1890, when purchased and remodeled by John Christian Meade, being reborn as the Hotel Meade. Although closing during lean times when mining activity slacked off, it operated on and off into the 1940s.


Overlanding Nurse
Methodist Church, Bannack State Park, Montana. Following the threat of being overrun by the Nez Perce in 1877 (which never materialized), popular circuit-riding preacher William van Orsdel, known as "Brother Van," talked the townspeople into building Bannack's first house of worship as a way of giving thanks for their deliverance.


Lookout City in the Argus range near Death Valley ...


Salt tram in the Inyo mtns...



Burgess Mine up in the Inyo mtns...



From my latest blog-venture http://suntothenorth.blogspot.com/2015/03/hiking-to-hidden-history-of-sierras.html

Abandoned 1924 marker for an abandoned place. :sombrero: Big $250 fine for removal!

The General Land Office (GLO) was an independent agency of the United States government responsible for public domain lands in the United States. It was created in 1812 to take over functions previously conducted by the United States Department of the Treasury. Starting with the passage of The Land Ordinance of 1785, which created the Public Land Survey System, the Treasury Department had already overseen the survey of the "Northwest Territory" including what is now Ohio.[1]

Placed into the Department of the Interior when that department was formed in 1849, it merged with the United States Grazing Service (established in 1934) to become the Bureau of Land Management on July 16, 1946.

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