One thing is patently obvious in this thread despite the attempts of the pathetic rookies to validate their untenable positions with meaningless emotion. SteveMfr is full of ******** and isn't about to stop spouting misinformation.
Like all of these wannabe losers he'll say he's checking out, leaving this thread, has better things to do, etc. but keeps coming back to pollute the discussion. He's so full of contradictions he can't even make up his mind to stay or go. He says he's "outta here", but like all the other lameasses, he'll be back to embarrass himself again.
I'm not sure even SteveMfr knows who he is. He seems to be having some sort of identity crisis. On the one hand he wants to be down with the American Land Rover scene and on the other he wants to be uptown European. He has all the telltale trappings of some expat loser. He uses terms like "across the pond". It's about as lame as all the Land Rover enthusiasts in the U.S. who insist on slapping Union Jack stickers on their "Landy" because they "bleed green".
He also tries to play Land Rover Professor giving model histories to people who already know them, but along the way, like all pretenders, he gets the facts backwards. He makes incomprehensible bullsh*t statements like "the electronics in the P38 are surprisingly robust" or "Mechanically the P38 is no more complex than any other LR" and expects no one to notice because he's just written four paragraphs about the origins of the Pegasus project. It's a joke.
SteveMfr also likes to put his Mr. Expedition pith helmet on and pretend like he's some sort of long distance extreme team fourwheeler. The thought that anybody putting on real miles in remote places would be running vato hydraulics where he can "Hit the switches, holmes!" on side slopes and be camping in the 500lb honeymoon suite on his roof is ************** laughable. He was eager to tell us all about his relative's accomplishments but still hasn't offered up any legitimate examples of his own experience. Likely his "overlanding" consists of a drive out to Provence and the French equivalent of a KOA campground.
He won't take the Pepsi Challenge because he "doesn't know (me)" so it's "silly". That's funny because he's been eager to prove what a good job he's done of researching exactly who I am. He's been very busy web stalking me and I'm guessing that somewhere along the line he figured out that I can walk the walk. He knows damn well that he hasn't got the experience I have so he's going to conveniently eschew the comparison as impractical. I'm also guessing that although he previously dismissed Thom Mathie, Scott Brady, Mike Rupp and Mike Slade he's since done background checks on them and realized they're the real deal as well.
Sensitive souls like SteveMfr are quick to accuse people like me of "malice" or cry that we're too "negative". You see they're far more worried about their hurt feelings when they're exposed as poseurs than the consequences of telling someone to buy the wrong car and then encouraging them to trust that vehicle to get them in and out of the wilderness. One has to wonder if SteveMfr will post as fervently when spikemd is looking for help with the angry BeCM that stranded him or the EAS which left him to drive home on the bumpstops? Will he match the effort he's put into trying to challenge my credentials when I called a spade a spade and insulted his honor?