Being 4th Gen 4Runner owner and having owned a couple 2nd gens too, I can say I have been a fan of 4Runners since the first one came in late '84.('85 Model)and this new one is the best to come out of the box since the solid axle days.
I was very fortunate to be able to attend the unvailing of the New 5th Gen 4Runner debut here in Dallas at the Texas fairgrounds. It certainly was a surpise to see the ground clearance and features they incorparated in it.
We just got one delivered here for the local Toyota Rep to use to do training and we spent several hours looking at everything this new model has to offer. If you have not had a chance to see one up close or drive one, I would save some judgment until you have. Like I said I am very impressed with this one and may trade my 4th Gen in for one but I will wait for them to drop the 4.6 into it. That should be in 2011 or 2012. This new 4.0 Roller Rocker V-6motors does have a lot pep but I still prefer the V-8 since I usually tow a trailer.
I understand the 4Runner is not for everyone but just like the FJ which was marketed to the Off Road segment this has proved that there is a market for Off Road vehicles and both the FJ and the 4Runner over fill that niche.
We have seen more and more 2nd and 3rd Gens and now 4th Gens getting converted with lifts, bumper, lockers, tires etc....and are wheeled every weekend all across the country. Our sales of Suspension kits for 2nd, 3rd and 4th Gens has steadily increase in the last couple years. I imagine it won't be long until the 5th Gen is seen out on the trails.
Sorry for the long post but I just wanted to throw in my 2 cents.....not blasting anyone so please don't think I am. Like all models, it is up to the indivual to decide what they want.